Learning and Development

This collection is a curated compilation of practical tools, resources, and guidelines that support the development of knowledge and skills in various areas of EiE. INEE develops Learning and Development resources to support EiE practitioners globally in a range of thematics and topics. These resources include training modules, e-courses, and practical workshops.  In addition to the resources below, INEE hosts and shares many e-learning courses on the Kaya platform

Learning material on other humanitarian standards, including the Sphere Handbook, is available on Sphere’s website.

Additional resources to support teachers’ learning and professional development can be found in the Teachers resource collection.

27 October 2020 Framework Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

Education in Emergencies Competency Framework

The EiE Competency Framework builds on the INEE Minimum Standards to articulate a set of required, valued and recognized competencies for the humanitarian and education in the emergencies sectors. The framework provides a common lexicon for core humanitarian and technical competencies and defines expected knowledge, skills and attributes for each.

1 January 2021 Training Material Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), Plan International, Save the Children

EiE Online learning series

This collection of courses is primarily designed to help education in emergencies (EiE) and education practitioners to improve their overall understanding of EiE or their knowledge of specific EiE topics and areas, in line with the modules and individual course units offered. It may also serve as a useful resource for those working in other areas but wanting to improve their understanding of EiE by diving into this intermediate-level content.

1 May 2022 Training Material United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

Education in Emergencies Global Online Course

This course is designed to provide UNICEF staff with foundational knowledge and skills relating to education in emergencies.  The course was originally designed by ESARO, the content has been utilized and updated from existing content from EiE capacity development training (such as for Frontline Responders, INEE Minimum Standards, Risk-Informed Programming, and others) in a comprehensive manner.

22 November 2019 Training Material Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

INEE PSS-SEL Training Module

This module outlines 3 hours (180 minutes) of training activities and materials related to psychosocial support (PSS) and social and emotional learning (SEL) in emergency contexts. It includes supplementary activities to further understanding of PSS-SEL concepts, for an extended duration of 5 hours (270 minutes).

1 January 2022 Training Material Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

Child Protection and Education e-course

This e-module was co-developed by The Alliance and INEE to promote integration and collaboration across Education in Emergencies and Child Protection sectors. This multi-agency training module outlines how Education and Child Protection actors can work together more systematically, based on complementarity, to support children’s well-being in humanitarian contexts. 

11 October 2021 Training Material Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

INEE Gender Training Manual

The INEE Gender Training Manual orients education practitioners to the INEE Guidance Note on Gender: Gender Equality in and through Education (2019). The training manual outlines 4-8 hours of training activities and materials related to gender-responsive education in emergencies.

1 June 2022 Training Material Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

Introduction to the INEE Guidance Note on Gender e-course

This course is designed to help you understand the content and structure of the INEE Guidance Note on Gender: Gender Equality in and through Education. By the end of this course, you will be able to use the Guidance Note to: address common misconceptions about gender-responsive EiE, analyze EiE interventions in your context with a gender lens, and develop short advocacy messages about gender-responsive EiE.

12 January 2018 Manual/Handbook/Guide Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

Teachers in Crisis Contexts Peer Coaching

The Teachers in Crisis Contexts (TiCC) Peer Coaching pack provides an additional layer of support for teachers participating in the Training for Primary School Teachers in Crisis Contexts by preparing teachers to use Teacher Learning Circles (TLCs) and Classroom Observations.

7 August 2024 Training Material Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

Inclusive Education in Emergencies Training Module

The INEE Inclusive Education in Emergencies Training Module training seeks to introduce frontline responders, humanitarian program developers, and implementers of all sectors to basic concepts of Inclusive Education in Emergencies and crisis-affected contexts. It can be used independently or with other modules of the full EiE Harmonized Training Package.

1 April 2024 Training Material Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

Early Childhood Development in Emergencies Training Module

The ECDiE updated module seeks to introduce frontline workers and humanitarian program developers/implementers of all sectors (non-early childhood development specialists) to ECDiE as an essential component of humanitarian responses to crises and emergency situations. 


EiE Harmonized Training Package

Developed by INEE and the IASC Education Cluster, the EiE harmonized training package combines training materials from the original INEE Minimum Standards, IIEP and the Front Line Responders training packages.

28 July 2023 Training Material Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

Teacher Wellbeing in Emergency Settings: Regional contextualization, policy, and practice workshop

This facilitation pack supports the delivery of a sector-level workshop to define and contextualize teacher wellbeing policy and practice priorities. It consists of a facilitation guide, workshop outline, slide deck, and workbooks.

1 October 2020 Training Material Accelerated Education Working Group (AEWG)

Accelerated Education Workshop: Policy and Practice in Accelerated Education

The purpose of this five-day training is to build participants’ knowledge and skills in the fundamentals of Accelerated Education (AE) programming. This training is intended for anyone involved in designing and implementing AE programmes and technical-level staff working on AE or non-formal education policy within a ministry of education.

25 November 2021 Training Material Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

CPHA Frontliner Getting Started Learning Package

This package has been designed to rapidly onboard new team members in the wake of a new emergency or crisis and aims to ensure that frontline workers are introduced to the minimum competencies to work in a safe, effective, accountable, and professional way with children, families, and communities.