EiE Glossary
The EiE Glossary contains more than 450 key education in emergencies (EiE) terms, their definitions, and sources. The glossary aims to promote a common understanding of key EiE technical terms and to support correct and universal usage of these terms.
Barriers |
Baseline assessment |
Baseline data |
Baseline survey |
Basic education |
Basic learning needs |
Behavioral problem |
Best interests of the child |
Bias |
Blended learning |
Bridging program |
Bullying |
Facilities and services |
Feedback |
Financing |
Forced displacement |
Forced migration |
Formal education |
Fragile state |
Functional literacy |
Fundraising |
Joint needs assessment |
Key informant |
Knowledge management |
Mainstream education |
Marginalization |
Marginalized groups |
Market |
Market demand |
Market-driven |
Mental health |
Mental health and psychosocial support |
Methods |
Migrant |
Migration |
Mitigation |
Monitoring |
National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction |
Natural disaster |
Natural hazard |
Needs assessment |
Net enrollment rate |
Net intake rate |
Non-formal education |
Non-state actors |
Non-teaching staff |
Numeracy |
Online learning |
Organizations of persons with disabilities |
Out-of-school children and youth |
Outcome |
Output |
Qualitative data |
Qualitative research |
Quality education |
Quantitative data |
Quantitative research |
Unaccompanied and separated children |
Universal design |
Universal design for learning |
Universal primary education |
Urban violence |
Validation |
Violence |
Violent extremism |
Vulnerability |
Vulnerable groups |
Water, sanitation, and hygiene |
Wellbeing |
Young people |
Youth and adolescents |
Youth literacy rate |
Zero tolerance |
For feedback and suggestions, contact website@inee.org.
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