Glossary Term

Right to education

International human rights law guarantees the right to education. The Universal Declaration on Human Rights, adopted in 1948, proclaims in its article 26: "everyone has the right to education." Since then, the right to education has been widely recognized and developed by a number of international normative instruments elaborated by the United Nations, including the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the UNESCO Convention against Discrimination in Education. It has been reaffirmed in other treaties covering specific groups (women and girls, persons with disabilities, migrants, refugees, indigenous people, etc.) or contexts (education during armed conflicts). The 1951 Convention on the Status of Refugees, for example, guarantees a refugee's right to education as do various instruments on behalf of internally displaced persons (the Kampala Convention and the Cartagena Agreement). The right to education has been incorporated into various regional treaties and enshrined as a right in the vast majority of national constitutions.