PSS-SEL Toolbox
The Psychosocial Support (PSS) and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Toolbox has a variety of tools to meet the interests and needs of many different stakeholders working on PSS and SEL in Education in Emergencies (EiE).
Whether you are looking to:
- Familiarize yourself with the field of PSS-SEL
- Build consensus on PSS-SEL between stakeholders
- Create, adopt, or adapt a PSS-SEL framework
- Create, adapt, validate, or supplement an existing PSS-SEL curriculum
- Design or localize a PSS-SEL program
- Influence or inform PSS-SEL policy, or
- Find and select measures to assess PSS-SEL
…the PSS-SEL Toolbox provides a robust set of tools and guidance to support you in achieving your goals.
The PSS-SEL Toolbox was created through a partnership between the EASEL Lab and INEE’s PSS-SEL Working Group. The project was funded by Porticus.
Click here to explore the PSS-SEL Toolbox
The Toolbox includes three types of tools:
- Data Tools: interactive, data-based and visual tools designed to explore the PSS-SEL approaches currently used in over 50 countries and EIE settings
- Compare Domains: bar graphs that show what SEL domains are included in each PSS-SEL framework
- Compare Frameworks: side-by-side comparisons that show what terms are related between any two frameworks
- Compare Terms: a diagram that shows how often and where each SEL skill appears across all the frameworks in the database
- Compare Wellbeing: heat maps that show which contextual factors that affect wellbeing are included in each PSS-SEL framework
- Framework Profiles: information about each PSS-SEL framework, with filters by region, country, language, emergency status, and age group
- Thesaurus: a searchable database of all the terms used in PSS-SEL frameworks, their definitions, and a list of similar terms
- Localizing Tools: localizing processes and contextualization guidance to help stakeholders use these data to inform PSS-SEL work in their local context
- Identify Local Needs and Assets: a four-step process for engaging local community members to determine the most important PSS-SEL needs and assets in your setting
- Learn About Skills: an inventory of 24 SEL skills and 30 dimensions of the context that support positive outcomes for children and youth
- Use the Data: a set of instructions, guidance, and demo videos for how to use the Data Tools to address questions in your local work
- Prioritize for Local Context: an exercise to reflect on local PSS-SEL needs and align local objectives with frameworks, terms, and existing research
- Validate for Local Context: a set of activities to examine the relevance and fit of PSS-SEL work with feedback from local community members
- Resources: additional information, guidance, and support to help stakeholders navigate the site, understand the data, and learn more about PSS-SEL in EIE
- Decision Tree: to help Toolbox users find the tools that address their specific questions, interests, or needs
- User Pathways: to walk Toolbox users through different ways that they can engage with the Localizing Tools in the PSS-SEL Toolbox to meet different objectives
- Framework Fit Checklist: to help Toolbox users determine whether or not an existing PSS-SEL framework meets your needs
- Maps & Analysis: a summary of patterns and trends in EIE settings, based on the PSS-SEL approaches identified through this project
- Key Considerations: a summary of findings and recommendations for the field, based on a literature review of recent PSS-SEL work in EIE
- Case Studies: describing the process and lessons learned, written by global EIE stakeholders who participated in field testing of the Toolbox
- QELO PSS-SEL Measurement/Assessment Tool Mapping Report: detailed analyses and a set of profiles for PSS-SEL measurement and assessment tools used in EIE settings
For more information contact [email protected]