Call for Submissions
If you have developed or tested a Measurement Tool related to the holistic learning and well-being of children and youth in emergency settings, submit your measure to be peer evaluated by the Measurement Library Reference Group. INEE will include all accepted submissions in the Measurement Library on the INEE website.
The submission period is currently closed.
Before submitting a measurement tool, please ensure that you review all submission guidance.
Submission, Review, and Resubmission Process
- The developer submits the Measurement Tool package.
- The developer receives an email confirming receipt of submission through Kobo.
- INEE reviews the submission and ensures it is complete and eligible for review.
- Measurement Library Reference Group members review the submission and rate it as per the outlined Measurement Tool Categories:
- Two members review the Measurement Tool and quality of the psychometric evidence, and
- Two members review the quality of the Training Materials.
- INEE notifies the developer via email regarding the submission status within 6-8 weeks of submission.
- INEE uploads accepted Measurement Tool packages within a month of acceptance.
- In some instances, the Measurement Library Reference Group may make major recommendations for the submitted measurement tool package, which, when incorporated by the developer, may improve the tool's initial rating. In such a case, the developer will be required to resubmit the measurement package for re-evaluation for a higher rating. For compliance and more information, please see the Measure Review, Revision, and Resubmission Process.
Submission Requirements
A Measurement Library submission has four parts. Click on the links below or scroll down for the full details of each part.
Note: Information with an asterisk is a mandatory submission requirement.
1. Measurement Tool
The tool that developers used in the assessment. It should include:
- The Measurement Tool in all languages in which it was developed and administered*
- The Measurement Tool scoring guide*
Suggested - if available:
- Open Data Kit (ODK) Form (for Kobo)
2. Evidence Report
This document should provide evidence of the Measurement Tool’s reliability and validity based on use in a real context. Find the Evidence Report guidance here. The Evidence Report or the Submission Form should include:
- The Measurement Tool purpose*
- A comprehensive definition of the unique construct(s) the Measurement Tool intends to capture*
- A comprehensive definition of the unique subconstruct(s) the Measurement Tool intends to capture (if applicable)*
- Who is being reported on and who is collecting data*
- How the Measurement Tool was developed, adapted, translated, or modified*
- The country(s) where the measurement tool was used*
- Demographic information of the population(s) from whom data was collected*
- Sample size, and the percent of the sample that is female*
- Evidence of reliability - at least one type (e.g. test re-test, inter-rater reliability, internal consistency)*
- Evidence of validity - at least one type (e.g. content, construct, criterion-related, internal-structural validity)*
- Measurement Tool administration details (e.g. language(s), type of measurement, modality(s) of data collection, training requirements of enumerators)*
- Information regarding the data collection schedule and implications on the sample
- Limitations and implications of the findings*
- Full-length citations for any works cited*
Suggested - if available:
- Why the Measurement Tool is important for policy, practice, communities, theory, etc., to measure the identified skills, outcomes, or constructs
- Psychometric evidence base for the Measurement Tool, in the population (if available) or in populations with similar context and culture - if the developer used an existing measure
- Psychometric evidence base on other measures of the same or similar skills in the population (if available) or in populations with similar context and culture - if the developer tested a new measure
- Other psychometric analyses if conducted (e.g. measure invariance testing, sensitivity/specificity, item functioning)
- Considerations for translating/adapting/contextualizing the Measurement Tool for future use (if appropriate)
- Suggested inquiries for analyses for future use
If submitting a Measurement Tool and evidence for multiple countries/contexts, the developer must:
- Include all demographic information for each country/context,
- Disaggregate the sample information for each country/context, and
- Include all country/context-specific findings of psychometric analyses.
If submitting a battery of assessments, the developer must submit psychometric evidence on each of the individual assessments that make up the battery.
3. Training Materials
The accompanying guide for training enumerators on how to use the Measurement Tool. The Training Materials or the Submission Form should include:
- Background information for trainers and enumerators (e.g. Measurement Tool purpose, how it was developed, where to access more information)*
- Training objectives*
- Proposed training agenda and length*
- Detailed training content in all languages in which the training was developed and delivered*
- Skills and background of the enumerators and if additional skills or certifications are required beyond the training*
- Associated video or audio recordings - if explicitly referenced in the training content*
Suggested - if available:
- Summary document of all training documents and resources
- Facilitator’s Guide or Training Manual in all languages in which the training was developed and delivered
- Suggested competencies of enumerators to have at the end of training to ensure quality data collection and ways to measure these competencies (e.g. pre- and post-tests)
The developer must submit the Training Materials in the language(s) in which they were developed and delivered.
A note on suggested materials: INEE highly recommends the developer include the suggested materials as part of their submission, if the information is applicable and/or available, to support the review process and future use of accepted Measurement Tools.
The following submissions will not be accepted:
- Submissions without evidence of validity
- Submissions without evidence of reliability
- Evidence Report for a Measurement Tool that includes a battery psychometric assessment but does not include psychometric evidence of the individual assessments that make up the battery
- Evidence Report for data collected in more than one country/context but does not include country/context-specific findings of psychometric analyses
- Training Materials without background information for trainers and enumerators (e.g. purpose of the Measurement Tool, how it was developed, where to access more information regarding the measurement)
- Training Materials without training objectives
- Training Materials without training content in all languages in which the training was developed and delivered relevant to the Evidence Report
Ethical Standards and Compliance ML Measures
It is the responsibility of the developers to ensure adherence to ethical scientific standards when developing measures. This is vital for safeguarding the rights of and maintaining the trust of every participating stakeholder. This includes but is not limited to adherence to and safeguarding the intellectual property and open access rights, copyright and licensing rights, and ensuring proper acknowledgment and citation of materials and/or scientific evidence that the measurement packet references. INEE does not take responsibility for improper citation, but should a case arise where a citation is questioned during the peer-review process, INEE will follow up with the developers to ensure proper acknowledgment. The Ethical Standards and Compliance of Measures page provides more information and guidance.
4. Submission Form
In order to submit your measurement tool, please follow all directions in this form.
For any questions, please contact