
“Working towards solutions for sufficient numbers of appropriately trained and qualified teachers is an urgent imperative of our time if we are to ensure a safe, quality education—and hope for the future—for the rising tide of children affected by conflict and crisis” (Mendenhall et al., 2018).

A competent and skilled teacher is one of the most important inputs in any education system. But in crisis and post-conflict settings, teachers are often in short supply and many are new recruits with minimal experience or education to prepare them for teaching in tough conditions. Those who do have a teaching background or qualification may have to teach content outside of their knowledge area, and may be unprepared to respond to the additional complexities of teaching in a crisis context.

As teachers play a critical role in shaping the future of their students and communities, their role should not be an afterthought, but an integral part of the preparedness and planning phases for education in emergencies and in chronic crises. Teachers, like all professionals, must be carefully recruited and prepared to be teachers, with access to well-planned and well-executed professional development in order to be the best that they can be, especially in times of crisis. In particular, teachers require relevant knowledge and skills, as well as strong school-based support and opportunities for collaboration to respond effectively to the complex needs of learners in crisis contexts.

You can find out more about INEE’s Teachers in Crisis Contexts Working Group, an inter-agency effort to provide more and better support to teachers in crisis settings, here.

12 January 2018 Manual/Handbook/Guide Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

Teachers in Crisis Contexts Peer Coaching

The Teachers in Crisis Contexts (TiCC) Peer Coaching pack provides an additional layer of support for teachers participating in the Training for Primary School Teachers in Crisis Contexts by preparing teachers to use Teacher Learning Circles (TLCs) and Classroom Observations.

24 May 2022 Manual/Handbook/Guide Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

Guidance Note on Teacher Wellbeing in Emergency Settings

This INEE Minimum Standards-aligned Guidance Note is an opportunity to put teacher wellbeing at the center of our response and recovery efforts in conflict and crisis affected settings. Not just because an investment in teachers is an investment in children and adolescents, but because at this moment in history teachers deserve our unparalleled attention as an end unto itself. 

1 August 2022 Toolkit Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

PSS and SEL Distance Education Resources for Teachers

The toolkit is designed for use by teachers and/or teacher trainers at different levels of education in humanitarian settings to promote wellbeing, teaching, and learning. This toolkit contains a range of resources to support the delivery of PSS-SEL through distance education modalities.

15 July 2022 Case Study Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

Promising Practices in Teacher Well-being, Management, and School Leadership

Authored by researchers, practitioners, and policy-makers working in education in emergencies, the 42 case studies in this publication showcase promising practices in teacher professional development, well-being, management, and school leadership that represent a diversity of contexts, organizations and teacher profiles.

15 July 2022 Case Study Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

Promising Practices in Teacher Professional Development

Authored by researchers, practitioners, and policy-makers working in education in emergencies, the 42 case studies in this publication showcase promising practices in teacher professional development, well-being, management, and school leadership that represent a diversity of contexts, organizations and teacher profiles.

19 August 2021 Mapping Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

Teacher Wellbeing Resources Mapping & Gap Analysis

This first output of the Teacher Wellbeing Toolkit comprises a tools & resources mapping and a gap analysis report, building on the existing body of work by collecting existing resources, tools, and policy or advocacy documents that address teacher wellbeing in emergency settings.

28 July 2023 Training Material Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

Teacher Wellbeing in Emergency Settings: Regional contextualization, policy, and practice workshop

This facilitation pack supports the delivery of a sector-level workshop to define and contextualize teacher wellbeing policy and practice priorities. It consists of a facilitation guide, workshop outline, slide deck, and workbooks.

1 August 2019 Report
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), US Agency for International Development (USAID)
Education Equity Research Initiative

Landscape Review: Teacher Well-being in Low Resource, Crisis, and Conflict-affected Settings

This resource includes findings from a landscape review, a conceptual framework for teacher well-being, as well as programmatic and policy guidance for providing comprehensive support to the well-being of teachers working in low resource, crisis, and conflict-affected contexts.

1 November 2018 Report UNESCO Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report

Teaching Amidst Conflict and Displacement: Persistent Challenges and Promising Practices for Refugee, Internally Displaced and National Teachers

Confronted with record-high numbers of displaced persons and protracted crises that have lasted for decades, this paper draws on case study examples from multiple countries to examine both the persistent challenges and promising practices for refugee, internally displaced, and national teachers in their efforts to provide education to the millions of children and youth affected by crisis.

30 June 2010 Manual/Handbook/Guide Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

INEE Guidance Notes on Teaching and Learning

The INEE Guidance Notes on Teaching and Learning and accompanying Resource Pack build on the INEE Minimum Standards and articulate good practice on critical issues related to curricula adaptation and development; teacher training, professional development and support; instruction and learning processes; and the assessment of learning outcomes.

30 August 2017 Training Material Save the Children

School Code of Conduct Teacher Training Manual

The School Code of Conduct (SCOC) training programme is designed to be used by Save the Children education staff to enable teachers and education personnel to implement governmental Teachers’ Codes of Conduct (TCOC) in schools. The training content relates to development and emergency contexts; to immediate and post conflict settings; and in response to natural disasters.