Teachers in Crisis Contexts Training for Primary School Teachers
The materials can also be used with qualified teachers who require refresher training, or training in critical areas relevant in crisis contexts, like child protection, and for those teachers who are new to teaching in crisis affected environments. The training pack responds to a critical gap in open source, competency based teacher training materials that provide coverage of foundational knowledge and skills required by teachers in crisis contexts, where teacher training is often limited to ad hoc workshops. The pack provides the basis for an in-service training program which can be used in its entirety to prepare unqualified teachers, but is also flexible enough for adaptation and use of selected modules or sessions according to the contextual needs of teachers. The pack provides foundational teacher training content on Teacher’s Role & Well-being; Child Protection, Well-being & Inclusion; Pedagogy; Curriculum & Planning; and Subject Knowledge.
It is comprised of an Introductory Training Pack and four core modules, developed around a set of 28 teacher competencies that underwent systematic review where it was field-tested in Iraq and Kenya and externally reviewed by a range of EiE specialists. The Training Pack includes a facilitator’s guide, participant handbook and PowerPoint slides for each component of the training.
This Training Pack has been contextualized in Bangladesh, Iraq, Somalia, South Sudan, and Uganda. If you would like the materials from these contextualizations, please contact teachers@inee.org.
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