INEE Network Spaces

Teachers in Crisis Contexts (TiCC) Working Group

The Teachers in Crisis Contexts (TiCC) Working Group was founded in April 2014 as an inter-agency effort to provide more and better support to teachers in crisis settings. Members of the group work together to identify problem areas in teacher management, development and support in crisis contexts and propose and provide inter-agency open-source solutions. The work of TiCC builds on INEE’s long-standing commitment to working with and for teachers in crisis settings.

Members of TiCC include individual members as well as members from the following organizations: Beyond Borders, Teachers College - Columbia University, Creative Associates International, Jusoor, IRC, LEGO Foundation, Norwegian Refugee Council, OXFAM, Right to Play, Save the Children Denmark, Save the Children UK, UNESCO Teacher Task Force, UNHCR, UNICEF, Universidad de los Andes, UNRWA, USAID, and War Child Holland.

Teachers in Crisis Contexts Training Pack 

The Training Pack for Primary School Teachers in Crisis Contexts is intended to build basic teaching competencies for unqualified or underqualified teachers often recruited to teach in refugee/IDP camps and in a range of other emergency settings. This inter-agency, open source training pack is available in English.

Peer Coaching for Teachers in Crisis Contexts 

The Peer Coaching Pack complim​ents the Training for Primary School Teachers in Crisis Contexts training pack. Peer Coaching is continuous professional development led by teachers for teachers. Peer Coaching provides this support through two main activities: 1) Teacher Learning Circles (TLCs) and 2) Classroom Observations.

Promising Practices in Teacher Professional Development, Wellbeing, Management, and School Leadership

The second edition of Teachers in Crisis Contexts: Promising Practices in Teacher Professional Development, Well-being, Management, and School Leadership is comprised of 2 compilations:

Authored by researchers, practitioners, and policy-makers working in education in emergencies, the 42 case studies in this publication showcase promising practices in teacher professional development, well-being, management, and school leadership that represent a diversity of contexts, organizations and teacher profiles. This second edition includes eighteen new case studies, alongside twenty-four from the first edition published in 2019. It provides teachers, practitioners, policymakers, and donors with compelling examples of programs and practices that positively influence improvements in teachers’ work conditions and teaching practice. 

TiCC Case Study Webinar Series 

Teacher Stories

As part of the Teachers in Crisis Contexts Event Series, TiCC collected Teacher Stories (vignettes, videos, etc.) related to teacher management, teacher professional development, and/or teacher well-being in crisis and displacement contexts to ensure that teachers’ voices and experiences permeate all aspects of the event.

TiCC Blogs


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