Teachers in Crisis Contexts (TiCC) Event Series
Teachers are at the heart of children and young peoples’ educational experiences. The critical role that teachers play in delivering quality, inclusive education that supports student learning and well-being is amplified in times of crisis. Despite being the most important frontline responders and protectors for children and youth, teachers in crisis contexts face some of the most difficult teaching conditions, and yet they receive limited support and professional advancement opportunities.
In 2019, a group of humanitarian and development actors came together to support a Call to Action for Transforming Sector-wide Support for Teachers in Crisis Contexts in an effort to better support the world’s teachers and ensure that millions of children can fulfill their right to education.
The emerging Call to Action urges international, regional, national, and local education actors to:
- Prioritize teachers from the very onset of an emergency, through to recovery and development, with increased financial investments, better data, and effective planning so that adequate numbers of teachers, including female and minority teachers, are teaching where and when they are needed most.
- Respect teachers, including volunteers and facilitators, as individuals and professionals with appropriate and equitable recruitment policies, pay and employment terms, and working conditions.
- Enable teachers to support all learners by continuously investing in and dramatically improving the nature and quality of teacher preparation, continuous professional development, and sustained support.
- Support teachers’ wellbeing, recognizing the impact of crises on teachers in their own lives and in their ability to do their work, and providing comprehensive support to teachers at the individual, school, community, and national levels.
- Listen to teachers’ expertise, experiences, and opinions, by including them in decision-making bodies and coordination mechanisms, program design and implementation, and research efforts.
The INEE Teachers in Crisis Contexts (TiCC) Working Group, in partnership with the LEGO Foundation, Education International, Oxfam, UNESCO, and the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030, is now launching the TiCC Event Series 2021-2022 to provide an opportunity for key actors, including teachers, teacher educators, practitioners, policymakers, and donors, to mobilize this urgent agenda. The primary themes guiding the event series will include:
- Teacher Management
- Teacher Professional Development
- Teacher Wellbeing
- School Governance and Leadership for Improved Teacher Support
The TiCC Event Series will focus on pressing issues across practice, policy, and research about how best to improve support to teachers, and ultimately their learners. Diverse stakeholders will come together to produce, share, and learn from evidence-generating promising practices, and inform policies and research guidelines for improving support to teachers in conflict, crisis, and displacement contexts.
Illustrative Activities
- GPE Global Education Summit Side Event (Recording Available)
- Teacher Consultations
- Case Study Presentations (Recordings Available: Teacher Wellbeing, Teacher Professional Development, Teacher Management, School Leadership)
- Interactive Pedagogies Quick Sessions
- TiCC Policy Roundtable (Recording Available)
- Strategic Meetings with Key Humanitarian and Development Actors
Case Studies
In 2022, TiCC and its partners published the second edition of Promising Practices in Teacher Professional Development, Well-being, Management, and School Leadership. Authored by researchers, practitioners, and policy-makers working in education in emergencies, the 42 case studies in this publication showcase promising practices in teacher professional development, well-being, management, and school leadership that represent a diversity of contexts, organizations and teacher profiles.
This second edition includes eighteen new case studies, alongside twenty-four from the first edition published in 2019. It provides teachers, practitioners, policymakers, and donors with compelling examples of programs and practices that positively influence improvements in teachers’ work conditions and teaching practice.
Teacher Stories
We collected Teacher Stories (vignettes, videos, etc.) related to teacher management, teacher professional development, and/or teacher well-being in crisis and displacement contexts to ensure that teachers’ voices and experiences permeate all aspects of the event series.
Watch this video of Hisham and Aya's experience as teachers and Syrian refugees in Lebanon.
Teachers in Crisis Contexts (TiCC) Working Group
The TiCC Working Group was founded in April 2014 as an inter-agency effort to provide more and better support to teachers working in crisis settings.
Members of the group work together to identify problem areas in teacher management, development and support in crisis contexts, and propose and provide inter-agency open-source solutions. The work of TiCC builds on INEE’s long-standing commitment to working with and for teachers in crisis settings.