This guide was designed to support projects and implementors to consider how to design, implement and monitor distance teaching and learning (DTL) interventions in a time where flexibility and adaptation of interventions is necessary to keep children learning.
Link Education International’s TEAM Girl Malawi project provides community-based education (CBE) classes to 5,000 out-of-school girls and 1,200 boys in three cohorts, as well as girls clubs with a focus on sexual and reproductive health and other life skills.
People in Needs’ Aarambha project in Nepal supports 8,500 married and out-of-school adolescent girls in Nepal in developing literacy, numeracy and life skills.
Street Child’s Marginalised No More project in Nepal supports 7,000 highly marginalised girls to learn basic literacy and numeracy through an accelerated learning programme (ALP) and livelihood support.
PEAS’ GEARR-ing up for Success After School project in Uganda supports 7,493 beneficiary girls. These girls are enrolled in the 28 PEAS secondary schools established in rural locations in Uganda.
Part of the VSO Sisters for Sisters’ Education Project in Nepal, the English and Digital for Girls’ Education (EDGE) programme supports 1,350 adolescent girls through girls’ clubs which had used radio as a key modality.
The World Health Organization and UNICEF in collaboration with partners have developed the Nurturing Care Handbook. Like the Nurturing Care Framework, the Handbook is organized around five strategic actions.
This Background Paper aims to address the confusion about NFE’s definition, purpose, audience, and quality. It proposes a taxonomy and definitions of NFE programming for adolescents and youth in conflict- and crisis-affected environments, summarizes the historical and current use of terms related to NFE and reflects current policy and programmatic use of these terms.
This Edukans training manual is intended as a guide to train people in how to respond to the needs of students with learning and behavioural problems, such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, lack of motivation, aggression and anxiety.
The paper proposes a set of actions and recommendations to strengthen humanitarian-development coherence in the education sector, with guidelines for education stakeholders to take collective action and advocate for improved coherence within their own agencies and across the education sector’s full spectrum of policy and programming.
This report contains findings of a study commissioned by Forum for African Women Educationalists Uganda Chapter to estimate the prevalence of early marriages and adolescent pregnancies among school going girls during the COVID-19 pandemic in Uganda and investigate the drivers of engagement in sexual activity among school going girls and young women during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This toolkit was developed for country offices (COs) in UNICEF’s West and Central Africa region and provides a brief overview of strategies and tools that can be applied to strengthen advocacy efforts in the field of education.
The Gender Equality Study implemented in Gaza and West Bank to ensure that children with disability of both genders enjoy their right to education, it is of high interest to understand how gender and disability interplay to restrict or limit the right to inclusive and gender transformative education.
The reasons behind the drop out of girls and boys with disability or the fact that they have never attended school have been assessed in this study. The present research has analyzed policy, institutional, financial and cultural barriers at play for girls and boys with disability and without disability.
One 24 March 2021, the INEE Advocacy Working Group hosted a launch of a new advocacy brief: Private Engagement in Education in Emergencies: Rights and Regulations.
This data report provides details from a survey of applicants to the Norwegian Refugee Council’s Accelerated Education Program in Northern Uganda, 2020.
The present study has four goals: characterizing a framework for teaching competencies in crisis contexts in Afghanistan, generating valid and reliable instruments to assess this framework, assess teachers’ needs and competencies based on classroom observations and self-reports, and, Identify how contextual and individual teaching characteristics are associated with teachers’ competencies,.
Building on the AEWG’s programme definitions and our expertise in AE and other non-formal or alternative education options that accelerate the acquisition of knowledge and skills, the AEWG developed this set of principles and action points for catch-up programmes.
This Technical Note was developed to assist humanitarian aid, development and disaster risk management organizations, national and local governments and community actors within and across sectors with the delivery of a priority set of actions to reduce suffering and improve mental health and psychosocial well-being through integration with risk management perspectives and approaches that link prevention, preparedness, response and recovery.
This report highlights the primarily negative effects resulting from the combination of sudden school closures and restricted access to and availability of services, social networks, and other protective facilities for children and young people living in crisis-affected contexts.
This guidance aims to help evaluators and others to better understand those criteria, and improve their use. It starts by describing what they are, and how they are meant to be used. Then the definitions and concepts underpinning each criterion are explained. Finally, examples provide the reader with concrete ideas for using them.
This brief explores some of these tensions and makes recommendations to support the prioritization of safe, equitable, and quality public education for all children and young people affected by crises.
This webinar was convened to mark the launch of two new tools developed by the INEE Standards and Practice Working Group: the Education in Emergencies Competency Framework and the INEE Minimum Standards Indicator Framework.
The Disability Inclusive Education Forum: Reaching the most marginalized, issued a timely reminder that, in an unpredictable 2020, children and young people already facing the greatest barriers and highest risk of exclusion are being left further behind, without the opportunity to reach their full potential.
These advocacy messages are designed to influence policy dialogue and debate to ensure access to safe, inclusive, equitable, and quality education for all children affected by conflict and crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This framework provides a way for education in emergency (EiE) stakeholders to demonstrate alignment with and progress towards the INEE Minimum Standards.
This How-To-Hote aims to provide guidance on how to include and integrate skills-based social and emotional learning across the USAID program cycle into basic education programs, which serve children and youth (including adolescents) with a variety of formal and informal education programs, including youth workforce programs.
A comprehensive, coordinated assessment of the sector to gain evidence to help identify the best approaches to inform the further development of COVID-19 response and recovery efforts; to support the development of evidence-based response policies and practices, and to inform a holistic national response and recovery plan.
In response to the shift to remote learning in Jordan since March 2020, this report analyses the findings of a research project on the impact of Covid-19 on education one year after the first cases of Covid-19 were recorded in the country.
This brief expands on the work of Schwartz (2012) who reviewed the global literature on remedial programmes and identified key design and implementation features and builds on other studies that explored the use of EdTech and remedial programmes in low- and middle-income countries.
A greener, fairer future outlines the origins of the climate emergency and explains how confronting issues like the legacy of colonialism, racial discrimination and gender inequality through education is key to finding a sustainable solution to the crisis. The paper introduces the Gender-Equal Green Learning Agenda, a new framework to help leaders address the climate crisis through education.
This systematic literature review was guided by the overarching aim of establishing the categories of EdTech that may be appropriate to support the learning of children with disabilities aged 6–12 years in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The review provides a synthesis of what we know from the evidence and highlights gaps in the existing knowledge base.
This free practical training is designed for people working in Early Childhood Development (ECD) who are responsible for the creation of sustainable and culturally relevant parenting programmes.
This webinar marked the launch of the INEE Policy Paper, "Investing in Learning: the Case for Strengthening the Collection and Use of Learning Assessment Data in EiE Contexts."
This document seeks to identify a series of considerations and approaches that should inform government decision-making regarding policies and procedures for the formative assessment of students in the context of remote provision of educational services.
The package of child well-being resources includes: 1) Defining and Measuring Child Well-Being in Humanitarian Action: A Contextualization Guide, 2) Training package, including PowerPoint slide deck and Facilitator Guide, and 3) Child Well-Being in Humanitarian Action: A Desk Review.
This Guide highlights the key steps in the process of adapting the global inter-agency child well-being definition and measurement framework to context. It includes all of the contextualization and measurement tools and questionnaires. The training package provides practical guidance, support and materials to help the training facilitators successfully implement the training for data collectors in a manner that maximizes learning.
The COVID-19 pandemic, which left 1.6 billion children out of school worldwide, meant the world needed to rapidly scale up flexible education options to reach all learners. This global need mandated us to leverage our expertise in accelerating learning to provide guidance for donors, implementers, and education systems to help all learners catch up when schools reopen.
These resources include a needs assessment survey and facilitator guide to design and implement a remote mentoring or coaching model through text-messages on WhatsApp.
The goal of this framework is to support local and national members of the Child Protection and Education Country coordination groups to improve their operational capacity in key areas.
Right to Play is asking teachers around the world these questions to provide us with some initial indications on your wellbeing, thinking specifically about how COVID-19 may have affected your lives.
This consultation explores children and young people’s views and experiences related to COVID-19 and its indirect impacts. Firstly, it looks at children and young people’s perceptions of how COVID-19 has had an impact on their lives and countries. Secondly, it seeks to highlight the ways in which they are working to help to stop the spread of the virus and lessen its impacts.
The research team designed the study to support impact through knowledge-exchange by providing a detailed account of both the approach taken and learnings from the experience. The study focused on programme facilitation at different levels and the attitudes, practices, and learnings of the champions as they reflected upon their work
Reimagining Girls’ Education: Solutions to Keep Girls Learning in Emergencies presents an empirical overview of what works to support learning outcomes for girls in emergencies. The overarching aim is that this evidence be used to inform programming in crises and support diverse stakeholders in mitigating the impact of emergencies on girls’ education.
Using a grassroots transformative approach, this needs assessment examines the higher education needs of refugees living in Kakuma and Kalobeyei refugee camp, Kenya.
In this paper, the The Alliance and INEE set out the evidence supporting collaboration and integration between the sectors, providing a rationale for cross-sector work grounded in child well-being and holistic development. The paper includes a summary of challenges and opportunities, and draws out clear recommendations for systematic and planned collaboration