Webpage Consultation mondiale de 2014 Depuis sa création en 2000, l'INEE a régulièrement organisé des "consultations mondiales" - des évènements engageant l'ensemble du réseau qui se tiennent tous les 4 ou 5 ans et au cours desquels les membres revoient ensemble le mandat et la vision du réseau. La dernière consultation mondiale s'est déroulée en 2009 à Istanbul, et a réuni environ 250 personnes.
Webpage Consulta Pública Global em 2014 Desde o princípio da INEE, em 2000, a Rede tem promovido “consultas públicas globais” regulares. As consultas públicas são desenvolvidas a cada 4 a 5 anos e em cada uma delas convidam-se os membros a se reunirem e, em conjunto, reverem o mandato e a visão da Rede. A última Consulta Global aconteceu em Abril de 2009 em Istambul e contou com a presença de aproximadamente 250 pessoas.
Webpage Global Consultation 2004 For this second global consultation on Education in Emergencies, leaders in the education and humanitarian field gathered to discuss lessons learned by the INEE Network and its members since its founding four years earlier.
Webpage 2008-2011 Working Group on Education and Fragility The Working Group on Education and Fragility 2008-2011 undertook activities in the following areas of work.
Webpage 2008-2011 Working Group on Education and Fragility El Grupo de Trabajo de la INEE sobre Educación y Fragilidad 2008-2011 llevó a cabo actividades en las siguientes áreas de trabajo
Webpage Le Groupe de travail de l’INEE sur l’éducation et la fragilité 2008-2011 Le Groupe de travail sur l’éducation et la fragilité 2008-2011 a mené des activités dans les domaines suivants
Webpage 2011-2014 Working Group on Education and Fragility In October 2011, INEE and partner organizations constituted a new Working Group on Education and Fragility with a two-year mandate that built on the work of the first group, and is aligned with the INEE Strategic Plan for 2011-2013.
Webpage INEE Round Table on Psychosocial Support and Social and Emotional Learning This round table brings together education and psychosocial support practitioners and researchers working in the field of education in emergencies (EiE) and protracted crises, with the aim of sharing recent research and tools, discussing innovative approaches, and articulating knowledge gaps in the field of psychosocial support (PSS) and social and emotional learning (SEL).