Normes minimales de l'INEE, édition 2024

Merci de consulter la version digitale de l'édition 2024 des Normes minimales de l'INEE. La version en français des nouvelles NM de l'INEE n'est pas encore disponible. Pour consulter l'édition de 2010 en français, cliquez ici.


Les Normes minimales de l’INEE : préparation, interventions, relèvement (NM INEE) contiennent 19 normes, chacune d’elle comprend des actions clés et des notes d’orientations. L’objectif des NM INEE est d’améliorer la qualité de la préparation, des interventions et du relèvement de l’éducation ; d’augmenter l’accès à des opportunités d’apprentissage sûres et pertinentes ; et de garantir que les acteurs qui fournissent ce service soient tenus responsables. Les NM INEE sont conçues pour être appliquées dans les réponses aux crises dans de nombreuses situations différentes, y compris les situations d’urgence causées par des conflits, des catastrophes naturelles comme celles provoquées par le changement climatique, et des crises à évolution lente ou rapide dans les environnements ruraux et urbains.

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Domain 1: Foundational Standards for a Quality Response

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The foundational standards presented in this domain are essential to providing a quality education response that is both holistic and accountable to the people and communities it supports. These standards are considered foundational because they cover the key elements that should be present at all levels and in all types of education programming, and in all aspects of a response.


Standard 1: Participation

Community members participate meaningfully, transparently, and without discrimination in the analysis, planning, design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the education response.


Domain 2: Access and Learning Environment

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The standards presented in this domain address the importance of creating an inclusive, equitable, and protective learning environment for all during a crisis. They highlight the importance of making sure that, during an emergency, everyone has access to education and can learn in an environment that provides protection and promotes wellbeing.


Domain 3: Teaching and Learning

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The standards in this domain emphasize that equitable access to education must be accompanied by quality teaching and learning, and attention to children’s and young people’s emotional, physical, and cognitive wellbeing.


Standard 11: Curricula

The curricula used to provide formal and non-formal education are culturally, socially, and linguistically relevant, and appropriate to the context and learner’s needs.


Domain 4: Teachers and Other Education Personnel

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The standards in this domain focus on managing, administering, and supporting human resources in education, particularly teachers and other education personnel.


Domain 5: Education Policy

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This domain highlights the importance of education policy in providing inclusive and equitable quality education during crises. There are two standards, the first relating to the formulation of law and policy, the second to planning and implementation.
