At the end of this session participants will be able to understand the importance of early recovery planning and activities, identify strategies for restarting formal education, reintegrating students and teachers into formal education systems, and investigate needs related to post-emergency curriculum and other key issues to support learners both within and outside of formal education.
At the end of this session participants will be able to: Identify the different types of emergency scenarios and describe their impact; explain the rationale for education as a first response in emergencies; and be aware of the key international legal instruments and conventions and understand that they underpin learner‘s right to education, including education in emergencies.
This document is a guide to planning the content of an education in emergencies training. The materials referenced by the guide were created in 2010 through a project jointly sponsored by the Education Cluster Unit and the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies.
Drawing on Save the Children's experience around the world, this guide provides ideas and tools that will enable development and humanitarian workers to put children and their rights at the centre of their programmes.
The World Programme of Action for Youth (WPAY) provides a policy framework and practical guidelines for national action and international support to improve the situation of young people.
This report builds on existing research in the field of school violence with a focus on its economic effects on victims, schools, communities and governments as well as the economy as a whole.
This paper describes the creation of the IASC Global Education Cluster and INEE's role in its development. The paper was commissioned by the Education for All Global Monitoring Report as background information to assist in drafting the 2011 report.
At the end of this session participants will be able to understand how the Guidance Notes on Teaching and Learning serve as a complementary tool to the INEE Minimum Standards, understand how the INEE MS Teaching and Learning domain links to curricula, training, instruction, and assessment, and understand how to navigate the tool for given scenarios and one’s own working context.
Plan Liberia seeks to ensure the facilitation of field based In-service training for teachers in 3 counties of Liberia. Thus our engagement in this project process is necessary to reduce the large percentage of untrained teachers in schools.
Reducing the Impact of Violence was a project implemented by TCC during the height of the Second Intifada and in a context of ongoing assaults by the Israeli military invasion.
This case study results from an action research project with teachers from Adult Education Schools in Khartoum, Sudan, which was undertaken as a PhD study between July 2008 and June 2009. The project had two principal aims – to gain insights into teaching and learning practices in Sudanese adult education and to facilitate the professional development of the participating teachers.
The following stories are from different schools students & PTSA members. They are simple but reflect the commitment & responsibility of Parent Teacher, Student Association (PTSA), Student Councils (SC), community elders & other relevant people. The following two stories are stated by two girls when they were invited to Child Friendly Survey.
This report presents the findings of an external review of the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) Working Group (WG) on Education and Fragility.
This paper examines how assistance to the education sector in the BRIDGE states of Upper Nile, Blue Nile, South Kordofan and Abyei, can enhance access to quality basic education for the poor and vulnerable, at the same time improving governance and thereby mitigating the risks of fragility, and increasing the opportunities of lasting peace and social cohesion.
The current Special Rapporteur decided to devote his sixth and last annual report to the question of the right to education of migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers. The focus is on those who have crossed national borders, who generally are at risk of marginalization and specifically to discrimination in the provision of education.
The Guidance Notes present general steps for assessment of schools and hospitals within the view of mitigation planning. Schools refers to all educational institutions and hospitals refers to all health facilities.
This quick two-page checklist for school administrators and school disaster management committees provides 5 simple action steps: 1) Convene local school safety committee; 2) Assess & Plan; 3) Implement the plan; 4) Communicate and coordinate; 5) Hold regular drills.