Review of the INEE Working Group on Education and Fragility

This report presents the findings of an external review of the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) Working Group (WG) on Education and Fragility. The INEE WG aims at strengthening consensus on what works to mitigate fragility through education, supporting the development of effective quality education programmes in fragile contexts, and promoting the development of alternative mechanisms to support education in fragile contexts. The WG was established in April 2008. Its initial two-year mandate was recently extended by an additional year until May 2011. This Review was asked to examine the accomplishments of the WG, reflect on the organisation and functioning of the WG and to put forward suggestions and recommendations for the remaining implementation period. The Review findings will inform the activities of the WG in the coming year, as well as the upcoming three-year strategic planning exercise of INEE.

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Published by

Mokoro Ltd

Authored by

Muriel Visser‐Valfrey


Education and Fragility