EiE Harmonized Training Module 0: Guidance and Time Tabling

This document is a guide to planning the content of an education in emergencies training. The materials referenced by the guide were created in 2010 through a project jointly sponsored by the Education Cluster Unit and the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies. This package was the result of a harmonisation process of the training guides and workshop materials from INEE, IIEP and the Front Line Responders training produced by UNICEF and Save the Children. Recent tools and documents including the Education Cluster Joint Needs Assessment Tool and the Education Cluster Coordinators Handbook have also been referenced for the creation of these resources.


Developed by INEE and the IASC Education Cluster, the EiE Harmonized Training Package combines training materials from the original INEE Minimum Standards, IIEP and the Front Line Responders training packages. The materials include 20 modules with PPTs, Facilitator Guides and exercises as well as guidance on adapting the training materials.

Resource Info

Resource Type

Training Material


Published by

Global Education Cluster, Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)


Professional Development