Learning for Peace
From 2012-2016, UNICEF and the Government of the Netherlands undertook a multi-year partnership entitled Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Programme (PBEA), also known as “Learning for Peace”. The objective of this program was to test how education can be leveraged to contribute to the mitigation of drivers of conflict in fragile and post-conflict countries. Unlike other UNICEF education in emergency programs, peacebuilding was seen as the primary objective of Learning for Peace, with the goal of strengthening – through the education system and the provision of social services – resilience, social cohesion, and human security in conflict-affected contexts.
During the project period, Learning for Peace produced dozens of briefs, reports, case studies, guides, and research products, and compiled many other relevant resources related to the link between education and peacebuilding. In cooperation with UNICEF, the full collection of these resources is available below, organized in thematic categories.
Final project report: Learning for Peace: Lessons Learned from UNICEF’s Peacebuilding, Education, and Advocacy in Conflict-Affected Context Programme
Adolescents and Youth
- Cradled by Conflict: Implications for Programming
- Peacebuilding Knowledge, Attitudes, and Skills: Desk Review and Recommendations
- Engaging Adolescents in Conflict Analysis: Guidance Note
- The Adolescent Brain: A second window of opportunity- A Compendium
- Beyond Ideology and Greed: Young People and New Forms of Violence in Côte d’Ivoire and Mali
- PBEA Case study of volunteers during the Ebola response in Liberia
- Peace Clubs in Schools in Côte d’Ivoire: Participatory Video and Annual Evaluation
- Learning for Peace, Côte d’Ivoire: Peace Messenger Clubs
- Case Study: Peace Messengers & Peace Guardians in Cote d’Ivoire
- Broadcasting Peace: A case study on Education for Peace, Participation and skills Development through Radio
- Strengthening Peacebuilding Competencies through Secondary Education: A case study on Piloting Reformed Lower Secondary Curriculum in Uganda
- Skills for Peace: Strengthening Peacebuilding Competencies Among Youth and Adolescents in Karamoja
- Learning for Peace, Côte d’Ivoire: Transitional Justice Radio
- Participatory Video for Peacebuilding in the Southern Philippines, Trainer’s Report
- Child Friendly Schools in Sierra Leone: Participatory Video and Evaluation
- PBEA Uganda: Participatory Video and Evaluation
- Reducing Fragility and Supporting Peacebuilding Through Youth Facilitation of the National Education
Early Childhood Development
- Contributions of Early Childhood Development Services to Preventing Violent Conflict
- Early Childhood Development and Peacebuilding Brief
- Early Childhood Education and Peacebuilding in Postconflict Northern and Eastern Uganda
- Early Childhood Education and Peacebuilding in Western Uganda
- A Systematic Policy Analysis of Early Childhood Development and Peacebuilding in 14 Countries
- Learning for Peace, Côte d'Ivoire: Women's Group and ECD
- Pathways to Wellbeing and a More Peaceful and Sustainable World: The Transformative Power of Children and Families
Education Governance
- Exploring the Linkages between Education Sector Governance, Inequity, Confict, and Peacebuilding in South Sudan
- The Links between Equity, Governance, Education and Peacebuilding in Kenya
- Child-Friendly Schooling for Peacebuilding
- Literature Review: The Role of Teachers in Peacebuilding
- The Role of Teachers in Peacebuilding and Social Cohesion: A Synthesis Report
- The Integration of Education and Peacebuilding: A Review of the Literature
- Synthesis Report: The Integration of Education and Peacebuilding
- Literature Review: Youth Agency, Peacebuilding and Education
- Youth Agency and Peacebuilding: An Analysis of the Role of Formal and Non-Formal Education
- The Role of Education in Peacebulding Country Report: Uganda
- The Role of Education in Peacebuilding Country Report: Myanmar
- The Effect of the Ebola Crisis on the Education System in Liberia
- The Role of Education in Peacebuilding
- Local Governance and Sustaining Peace Guidance Note
Education Under Attack
- Education Under Attack 2018
- The Role of Communities in Protecting Education from Attack: Lessons Learned
- Protecting Education Personnel from Targeted Attack in Conflict-Affected Countries
- What Ministries Can Do to Protect Education from Attack and Schools from Military Use: A Menu of Actions
- What Schools Can Do to Protect Education from Attack and Military Use
- "I Will Never Go Back to School": The Impact of Attacks on Education for Nigerian Women and Girls
- What Can be Done to Better Protect Women and Girls from Attacks on Education and Military Use of Education
Equity and Inequality
- Literature Review: Horizontal Inequality in Education and Violent Conflict
- Investment in Equity and Peacebuilding: South Africa Case Study
- Investment in Equity and Peacebuilding: Uganda Case Study
- Literature Review: Violent Conflict and Educational Inequality
- Does horizontal education inequality lead to violent conflict?
- The Effects of Armed Conflict on Educational Attainment and Inequality
- Education Inequality and Violent Conflict: Evidence and Policy Considerations
- The Transformative Potential of Positive Gender Socialization in Education for Peacebuilding: Uganda
- Evaluation of the Transformative Potential of Positive Gender Socialization in Ed. for Peacebuilding
- Gender, Education, and Peacebuilding:A review of selected Learning for Peace case studies
- A Rigorous Review of Global Research Evidence on School-Related Gender-Based Violence
- The Communities Care programme: changing social norms to end violence against women and girls
- Learning for Peace, Uganda: Gender equality in the classroom
- Communities Care: Transforming Lives and Preventing Violence
Measuring Social Cohesion
- Population-Based Survey on Peace and Education: Côte d’Ivoire (Now the Kids Are Safe)
- Indicators Framework for Peacebuilding, Education and Social Cohesion
- Compilation of Tools for Measuring Social Cohesion, Resilience, and Peacebuilding
- Learning for Peace: Narratives from the Field
- Emerging Practices in Design, Monitoring, and Evaluation for Education for Peacebuilding Programming
- Guidance on Risk-Informed Programming
- Civics and Ethical Education for Peacebuilding in Ethiopia: Results and Lessons Learned
- Pastoralist Education and Peacebuilding in Ethiopia
- Humanitarian Action, Conflict Sensitivity and Peacebuilding through Education in South Sudan
- Curriculum, Life Skills & Peacebuilding Education – Promoting Equity & Peacebuilding in South Sudan
Risk-informed Programming
- Risk-informed Education Programming for Resilience
- Summary Guidance on Risk, Resilience and Linking Humanitarian and Development Programming
Reports and Outcome Evaluations
- UNICEF Programme Report 2012-2016: Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy in Conflict-Affected Contexts Programme (PBEA)
- Evaluation of UNICEF’s Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Programme (PBEA)
- Peacebuilding Education and Advocacy in Conflict-Affected Contexts Programme
- PBEA and the Ethiopia Education Sector Development Plan
- Integrating PBEA and EiE: Networking Cards in Ethiopia
Resilience, Language, and Social Cohesion
- Education and Social Cohesion in Pakistan
- A Study of Education and Resilience in Kenya’s Arid and Semi-Arid Lands
- Synthesis Report: Language Education & Social Cohesion (LESC) Initiative Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand
- Community engagement to strengthen social cohesion and child protection in Chad and Burundi
- INEE Background Paper on Psychosocial Support and Social & Emotional Learning for Children & Youth
- INEE Guidance Note on Psychosocial Support