Guidance on Risk-Informed Programming

The UNICEF Guidance for Risk-informed Programming (GRIP) is a package of general and sector-specific modules that propose a methodology for conducting child-centred risk analysis and leading a collaborative process with multiple child rights stakeholders (including children, adolescents and youth) to design or adapt programmes to further risk reduction, resilience and peace. Risk-informed programming aims to strengthen resilience to shocks and stresses by identifying and addressing the root causes and drivers of risk, including vulnerabilities, lack of capacity, and exposure to various shocks and stresses. It necessitates a robust risk analysis of the multiple hazards faced by households and communities, and requires government and other partners to be involved in the design or adjustment of programmes to ensure that they make a proactive commitment to reducing risk. For UNICEF, risk-informed programming is child-centred. Using a human rights-based approach to programming, UNICEF supports national counterparts and a range of duty bearers and stakeholders to consider not only what changes are necessary to further the realization of child rights, but also how to protect those gains from the negative impacts of shocks and stresses.

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Published by

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)


Conflict Risk Reduction