UNICEF Programme Report 2012-2016: Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy in Conflict-Affected Contexts Programme (PBEA)
The Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy in Conflict-Affected Contexts (PBEA) Programme Report summarizes processes, results, and learning that occurred during the entire course of the PBEA programme – Learning for Peace. It draws extensively on reports produced by the 14 participating UNICEF country offices, five regional offices, a total of nine headquarters sections, units or divisions, and partners engaged in the programme. These documents were systematically coded and analyzed for this report. This evidence was supplemented by a review of an extensive body of research produced within and outside the auspices of the programme, as well as Members of the Learning for Peace Programme Management Team.
The report illustrates how the programme operated on the rationale that, when delivered equitably and effectively, education and other social services can strengthen capacities to manage conflict shocks and stresses, from the national to individual levels, and promote peace, while sustaining long-term development opportunities for children, young people and their supportive communities.