Antiracisme et Decolonialité

Les inégalités et injustices mondiales prennent leurs racines dans l’héritage de la colonisation et du  racisme. Il est largement admis que le colonialisme a façonné les systèmes mondiaux d'aide humanitaire et de développement, tant au cours de l'histoire qu'à l'heure actuelle ; les préjugés raciaux et culturels sont présents dans les structures et les actions de ces systèmes et les façonnent activement. Ces forces se sont manifestées dans les façons de travailler, les pratiques et les politiques des secteurs humanitaire de du développement, y compris :

  • Le langage utilisé pour parlé des personnes qui sont touchées par des situations de crise
  • Qui détient le pouvoir dans les espaces et processus de prise de décision 
  • Qui détient le pouvoir sur l’argent et les ressources et qui a accès à ces derniers 
  • Qui détient le pouvoir de fixer les objectifs mondiaux et de produire la connaissance 

Il est essentiel d’aborder l’ESU sous l’angle de l’équité, la décolonialité et l’antiracisme. L’équité fait référence à des pratiques justes et équitables qui sont obtenues en évaluant systématiquement les disparités en termes d'opportunités, de résultats et de représentation, et en abordant ces questions par des actions ciblées.. La Décolonialité, au sens large, fait référence à un processus qui vise à questionner et à transformer les héritages de la colonisation dans les institutions, les structures et les modes de connaissances.Il s'agit de d'aborder activement les actions, les comportements et les décisions qui soutiennent ou renforcent la dynamique de pouvoir du colonialisme. L’antiracisme va au-delà de l’absence de racisme. Il est essentiel que la communauté éducative mondiale s’engage de manière critique avec ces concepts, qu’elle oeuvre pour une action humanitaire dirigée localement,  et qu'elle prenne des mesures pour démanteler les structures de pouvoir déséquilibrées et l'inégalité. 

Ce recueil a été compilé par le Secrétariat de l’INEE avec le soutien de Zeena Zakharia, EdD. Si vous souhaitez nous suggérer des ressources ou des corrections, veuillez nous écrire à [email protected].

1 mars 2023 Manual/Handbook/Guide Oxfam

Inclusive Language Guide

The language guide is divided into thematic sections, though many of the issues discussed intersect and some terms may be relevant to several categories. The guide is based on a set of Feminist Principles for Language Use and gives examples of how you can put these principles into practice in your writing and in day-to-day conversation.

1 janvier 2022 Policy Brief Dubai Cares

Guiding Principles for promising partnership practices in education in emergencies

Despite a surge in educational partnerships, the EiE community has yet to develop guiding principles on how organizations might approach partnerships so that they result in effective and ethical practices, leading to improvements for students in crisis settings. This policy brief aims to address this gap by proposing five intersecting guiding principles for promising partnership practices in EiE.

14 janvier 2021 Background Paper International Rescue Committee (IRC)

Opportunities for Transformative Language in Feminist Approaches to Partnership

This paper, developed through consultations with Building Local Thinking Global members, seeks to explore language and power hierarchies within humanitarian aid, and the impact of language on relationships between different groups, with the goal of identifying new language that is inclusive and empowering, and promotes equality.

1 octobre 2019 Report
Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
Humanitarian Policy Group

Rethinking capacity and complementarity for a more local humanitarian action

Humanitarian action has been a mainly international endeavour, where power continues to lie with donors, UN agencies and large international non-governmental organisations . This led to a call at the World Humanitarian Summit  for humanitarian action to be as ‘local as possible, as international as necessary’ inspiring numerous debates and initiatives, including the Grand Bargain. To better inform local humanitarian action, HPG launched a two-year research project in 2017 on capacity and complementarity, of which this is the final report.

24 octobre 2023 Journal Article
Globalisation, Societies and Education

Retelling education in emergencies through the black radical tradition: on racial capitalism, critical race theory and fugitivity

The paper, adopting my roles as a scholar and aid practitioner, critically examines the EiE sector through three Black Radical Tradition (BRT) lenses: racial capitalism, critical race theory, and fugitivity. It employs case studies, aligning with the BRT’s interconnected focus, revealing the pervasive influence of educational aid, racial injustice, and structural inequalities.

13 février 2018 Book
Explorations of Education Purpose

Politics of Anti-Racism Education: In Search of Strategies for Transformative Learning

Politics of Anti-Racism Education is a book that engages the tough questions of anti- racism practice: How do we recognize anti-racism when there is no prescription or recipe for transformative practices? How does anti-racism resist the imperial divi- sive practices at various sites of difference while simultaneously amplifying the saliency of race? How do anti-racism educators challenge and support each other to do the ongoing work of anti-racism to guard our work from being consumed by hegemonic status quo agendas? What does it mean to name that which is incommensurable – experiences of race and racism?

17 décembre 2022 Journal Article
Globalisation, Societies and Education

Between ‘the paradox of liberalism’ and ‘the paradox of decoloniality’: education for peacebuilding in conflict settings

This article extends current debates in Education for Peacebuilding (EfP) in conflict settings. It presents and discusses two paradoxes I have observed when examining EfP literature and engaging in conversations with EfP scholars: ‘the paradox of liberalism’ and ‘the paradox of decoloniality’.

15 novembre 2019 Convention/Declaration
Global Refugee Forum Education Co-Sponsorship Alliance

Global Framework for Refugee Education

A framework to guide the pledging process for the first Global Refugee Forum and subsequent initiatives to meet the 2030 education commitments of the Global Compact on Refugees

21 juin 2019 Livre blanc Organisation des Nations unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture (UNESCO)

Faire appliquer le droit à l’éducation des réfugiés : Une perspective politique

Le présent document, rédigé à l’intention des décideurs en matière d’éducation, propose une analyse et une réflexion sur les moyens de garantir le droit à l’éducation aux personnes réfugiées, du point de vue des politiques. Il commence par faire le point sur l’accès des réfugiés à l’éducation, en s’appuyant sur les rares données disponibles sur le sujet.

10 avril 2023 Journal Article
International Journal of Human Rights Education

Ordinary Solidarities: Re-Reading Refugee Education Response Through an Anticolonial Discursive Framework

Drawing on a three-year case study of one faith-based school in Lebanon, this paper explores how one ordinary school in a refugee hostile transit country secured and protected the right to education for refugee children from Syria, within a significant broader context of multiple compounding crises.

12 mai 2021 Report
Peace Direct

Time to Decolonise Aid

In November 2020, Peace Direct in collaboration with Adeso, the Alliance for Peacebuilding and Women of Color Advancing Peace and Security, convened a three-day online consultation to discuss the issue of structural racism and how to ‘Decolonise Aid’.

1 juillet 2015 Book
Routledge International Handbook of Ignorance Studies

Global White Ignorance

This chapter sets out—necessarily very schematically, but as a possible stimulus for research on the key features of a white ignorance conceived of as global.

6 janvier 2021 Audio
Rethinking Humanitarianism podcast

Decolonizing Aid

Co-hosts Heba Aly and Jeremy Konyndyk sit down with Tammam Aloudat, a Syrian doctor who is senior strategic adviser to the Access Campaign of Médecins Sans Frontières and one of the few people of colour in a senior management position within an organisation going through a very public struggle with racism, to discuss dismantling colonialism in the aid sector.

7 janvier 2022 Journal Article
Journal of International Humanitarian Action

The racialization of expertise and professional non-equivalence in the humanitarian workplace

This paper aims to explore the ways which expertise is covertly racialized in the contemporary humanitarian aid sector. The research suggests that embedded under the contemporary professional structure of the liberal humanitarian space is a covert power hierarchy fueled by perceptions of expertise and competency along racial lines—particularly around one’s whiteness.

20 mars 2023 Audio

Black Lives Matter and Comparative Education

Today we talk about Black Lives Matter and what it means for the field of comparative and international education. With me are Sharon Walker and Krystal Strong, who have recently co-edited with Derron Wallace, Arathi Sriprakash, Leon Tikly, and Crain Soudien, a special issue of Comparative Education Review entitled “Black Lives Matter and Global Struggles for Racial Justice in Education.”