ECDiE Programming Library

The Early Childhood Development in Emergencies (ECDiE) Programming Library is a compilation of resources to support local-level implementers, service providers, and humanitarian workers in the planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of quality, multi-sectoral, inclusive ECDiE interventions. More information on the library is available here.


147 Results found


18 December 2017 Toolkit Save the Children

Education in Emergencies Toolkit

The EiE Toolkit aims to raise the quality of Save the Children's EiE programmes through providing guidance on how to employ a more systematic and tools-based approach to analysing EiE needs and designing and implementing programmes.

6 October 2017 Toolkit Save the Children

Learning and Well-Being in Emergencies: Resource Kit

he toolkit contains components that include Introduction for proposal development and advocacy; Community Action for initial non-formal education or informal learning; Teacher Training to support teachers/facilitators; Learner Assessment tools, and a comprehensive Community Action component to support literacy and well-being in the immediate aftermath of a crisis.

1 January 2014 Manual/Handbook/Guide Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)

Humanitarian Needs Assessment: The Good Enough Guide

The Assessment Capacities Project (ACAPS) and the Emergency Capacity Building Project (ECB) have produced this guide to fill the gap that existed for a practical resource that pulls together the main lessons learned from various initiatives and experiences.

1 January 2016 Toolkit
Johns Hopkins University

SBCC for Emergency Preparedness Implementation Kit

The purpose of the Social and Behavior Change Communication for Emergency Preparedness Implementation Kit is to provide a set of key considerations for SBCC activities in emergency situations. It is our hope that by completing the exercises presented in this I-Kit, national governments will be better prepared to manage serious public health events.

30 November 2022 Toolkit
Global Education Cluster, Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), Save the Children, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organziation (UNESCO)
European Union, REACH, Translators without Borders

Strengthening Rapid Education Response Toolkit

The first of its kind Strengthening Rapid Education Response Toolkit provides country or field-level Education teams practitioners and coordinators with a practical resource and advocacy tool to ensure education’s inclusion in first phase humanitarian response. This includes demonstrating and advocating for the importance of including education in RRMs for a holistic and child-focused response to non-education actors.

11 May 2020 Journal Article
Child Abuse & Neglect

Supporting Syrian families displaced by armed conflict: A pilot randomized controlled trial of the Caregiver Support Intervention

The Caregiver Support Intervention (CSI) aims to strengthen parenting by lowering stress and improving psychosocial wellbeing among refugee parents, while also increasing knowledge and skill related to positive parenting. We describe the findings of a two-arm pilot randomized controlled trial of the CSI with Syrian refugees in Lebanon. The primary aim was to test the feasibility of our study methodology prior to conducting a definitive RCT.

22 December 2010 Toolkit Plan International

Child-Centred DRR Toolkit

The toolkit is made up of 4 modules: Training children on disaster risk reduction through the hazard, vulnerability and capacity assessment; Planning, monitoring and evaluating child-centred disaster risk reduction programmes; Action planning with children on disaster risk reduction; and Advocacy with children on disaster risk reduction.

24 August 2022 Brief Moving Minds Alliance

How the youngest children are left behind in humanitarian response

In this short and clear brief, we define early childhood development and why is it important to understand specially in crisis contexts. We also explain the Nurturing care framework and how to use it to mitigate risks for young children in crisis settings and supporting them to have a healthy development.

24 August 2022 Brief Moving Minds Alliance

The developing brain in crisis contexts

This brief talks about the threats of young children in crisis being exposed to pro-longed stress and adversities and how to best mitigate the impact on their brain development. It shares how the humanitarian sector can incorporate early childhood development programs in their emergency response plans and programs through the nurturing framework lens.

11 November 2022 Brief Moving Minds Alliance

How early childhood development in emergencies promotes gender equality

This brief explains how early childhood development contributes to Gender equality. It focuses on how ECD services prevent gender based violence in emergencies and how it closes the gender gap in parental care. It shares examples of several ECDIE and Gender interventions in emergency context and recommendations on how humanitarian workers can promote gender equality through ECDIE.

24 January 2023 Brief Moving Minds Alliance

Why supporting caregivers’ mental health in crisis settings is essential for young children’s holistic development

This brief highlights the importance of supporting caregivers’ mental health in crisis settings to young children’s holistic development. It presents data on the severity of the global mental health crisis, which is being exacerbated by the lack of funding for psychosocial support for children, youth, and families.

31 January 2023 Brief Moving Minds Alliance

Child protection for the youngest children affected by emergencies

This brief highlights how child protection is critical to preventing lifelong consequences for young children exposed to violence and trauma during emergencies. It further emphasizes that child protection can provide positive inputs that reduce and prevent the potentially lifelong negative impacts of emergencies on young children.

1 January 2023 Training Material United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

Introduction to Caring for the Caregiver

The Caring for the Caregiver (CFC) package focuses on enabling front-line workers to promote caregivers' mental health and emotional well-being. CFC provides front-line workers with skills and activities to address barriers by encouraging self-care, partner and family engagement, and problem-solving barriers to resources.

1 January 2020 Journal Article
Child & Adolescent Development

Sector-wide analysis of early childhood development and education in emergencies in Colombia and considerations to strengthen systems globally

The study outlines how the policy and program characteristics identified may represent levers or barriers to the effective operationalization of ECDEiE in Colombia. We discuss how these attributes could be considered in the trans-sectoral dialogue between ECDE and humanitarian actors with the aim of strengthening ECDEiE systems globally.

5 February 2022 Case Study World Vision

WASH Core Project Model

The WASH Project Model (PM) is a set of evidence-based practices in the three principal domains of WASH intervention: water, sanitation and hygiene. Over the years, these interventions have proven to be effective for the implementation of programmes that are impactful, scalable and sustainable across a variety of contexts where World Vision works (primarily in rural Area Programme settings).

1 July 2020 Learning Material
The University of the West Indies

Parent Manual: Activities for children up to age 3 years

This manual provides content that can be shared with parents to support playful interactions for children 0-36 months. The manual was developed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and the suspension of many programs that involved home visiting or parent groups

1 September 2016 Report Theirworld

Safe Spaces: The Urgent Need for Early Childhood Development in Emergencies and Disasters

This Theirworld report looks at the urgent need for Safe Spaces in emergencies – places where babies, young children and their caregivers can get support to counter the negative impacts of crisis situations on children’s growth and development. The report warns the international community is neglecting millions of vulnerable babies and young children affected by conflicts and disasters.

1 November 2018 Policy Brief Moving Minds Alliance, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organziation (UNESCO)

Early Childhood Development and Early Learning for Children in Crisis and Conflict

This background paper presents the case for increased attention and investment in early childhood in conflict and crisis contexts, with focused attention on early learning and family support. The scale of the problem, current science and evidence, current global standards and principles, and case studies are all discussed and priority recommendations are offered

16 February 2017 Manual/Handbook/Guide Save the Children

Early Childhood Development in Emergencies Manual

This manual provides guidance on how to assess need, design, and implement Early Childhood Development in Emergencies (ECDiE), supporting each of the four core components of a response: early learning and stimulating environments, positive child-caregiver interaction, protective environments, and holistic child wellbeing.

1 May 2023 Assessment United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

Early Childhood Development Index 2030

The ECDI2030 captures the achievement of key developmental milestones by children between the ages of 24 and 59 months. Mothers or primary caregivers are asked 20 questions about the way their children behave in certain everyday situations, and the skills and knowledge they have acquired.

31 December 2005 Toolkit United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

Education in Emergencies - A Resource Toolkit

The Toolkit has been developed for UNICEF officers, and presents information and tools to enable them to prepare for and respond to emergencies to comply with UNICEF’s Core Commitments for Emergencies in the education sector.

24 May 2022 Manual/Handbook/Guide Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

Guidance Note on Teacher Wellbeing in Emergency Settings

This INEE Minimum Standards-aligned Guidance Note is an opportunity to put teacher wellbeing at the center of our response and recovery efforts in conflict and crisis affected settings. Not just because an investment in teachers is an investment in children and adolescents, but because at this moment in history teachers deserve our unparalleled attention as an end unto itself. 

1 January 2015 Toolkit Save the Children

Participatory School Disaster Management Toolkit

The Participatory School Disaster Management Toolkit contains a set of tools and resources for use in the implementation of school disaster management. It is broken down into three parts: participatory school disaster management handbook, our school disaster management plan and student and community participatory activities. It contains a number of tools and templates for use and adaptation to different contexts.

1 January 2018 Manual/Handbook/Guide Plan International

Child-Centered Multi-Risk Assessments: A Field Guide and Toolkit

This guide and toolkit is designed to provide step-by-step guidance for field teams on how to plan and conduct a child-centred multi-risk assessment in the various contexts in which Plan International works. It is recommended that the assessment team be formed of staff with technical capacity in Child Protection and DRR and may include other sector programme staff. 

28 June 2021 Journal Article
the bmj

Adapting interventions to new contexts—the ADAPT guidance

The ADAPT guidance was developed using systematic review methods, qualitative interviews, extensive consultation, and formal consensus methods. It provides a framework and step-by-step guidance for working with stakeholders, selecting suitable interventions, undertaking adaptations, making decisions on evaluation and implementation, and reporting adapted interventions.

5 November 2020 Checklist
Infant and Early Mental Health Promotion, The Hospital for Sick Children

Infant and Early Mental Health Competencies Checklist

The Competencies Checklist outlines the specific set of knowledge and skills associated with each category. Individuals and/or agencies can use this checklist to determine their areas of strength and areas of opportunity to enhance their practice with infants, young children and their families.

1 January 2006 Manual/Handbook/Guide
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network

Psychological First Aid Field Operations Guide: 2nd Edition

Gives guidance on responding to disaster or terrorism events using the Psychological First Aid intervention. This evidence-informed approach helps to assist children, adolescents, adults, and families in the aftermath of disaster and terrorism. The manual includes in-depth information about each of the eight core actions and accompanying handouts for adults, adolescents, parents and caregivers, and providers.

2 March 2016 Manual/Handbook/Guide United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), World Health Organization (WHO)

Integrating Early Childhood Development Activities into Nutrition Programmes in Emergencies: Why, What, and How

The note explains why nutrition programmes need to include ECD activities to maximize the child’s development. It provides practical suggestions as to what simple steps are necessary to create integrated programmes in situations of famine or food insecurity and it gives examples of how such integrated programmes have been established in other situations.

1 December 2022 Case Study United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

The Little Ripples Programme in Chad

This is the executive summary of an external evaluation undertaken by Oxford Policy Management (OPM) of the Little Ripples programme in Chad. Little Ripples is a programme created and run by iACT - an NGO based in California, United States.

5 December 2022 Manual/Handbook/Guide Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

Supporting Integrated Child Protection and Education Programming in Humanitarian Action

This guidance note by INEE and the Alliance aims to promote integration and collaboration across the two humanitarian sectors of education and child protection. It orients stakeholders in both sectors to principles, frameworks, opportunities, and resources for program integration in order to ensure efficient, targeted, and effective interventions that result in improved outcomes for children and young people.

1 May 2023 Report International Rescue Committee (IRC), LEGO Foundation, NYU Global TIES for Children, Sesame Workshop

Lessons and Impacts of a Remote Early Childhood Education Program in Hard-to-Access Settings in Lebanon: A Randomized Controlled Trial

This study is the first evaluation of a remote early childhood education (ECE) program for families affected by conflict and crisis and the second of the effect of short-term (shorter than 3 months) ECE programming. It evaluates the impact of an 11-week remote early learning program (RELP) delivered alone and in combination with Ahlan Simsim Families (ASF), a parenting support program.

1 January 2002 Manual/Handbook/Guide United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organziation (UNESCO)

Guidelines for Education in Situations of Emergency and Crisis

This guideline has been prepared with major key points to be considered in developing the emergency response or preparedness of EFA plans of action. This guideline provides orientations and recommendations and strategic planning for achieving EFA in situations of emergency, crisis and reconstruction.

17 February 2021 Manual/Handbook/Guide Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

Contextualizing and Measuring Child Well-Being in Humanitarian Action

The package of child well-being resources includes: 1) Defining and Measuring Child Well-Being in Humanitarian Action: A Contextualization Guide, 2) Training package, including PowerPoint slide deck and Facilitator Guide, and 3) Child Well-Being in Humanitarian Action: A Desk Review.