ECDiE Programming Guidance Note and Library
The Early Childhood Development in Emergencies (ECDiE) Programming Guidance Note and Library build on the INEE Minimum Standards for Education: Preparedness, Response, Recovery, and is aligned with the Nurturing Care Framework. They promote collaboration among stakeholders in all sectors, including education, health, nutrition, and protection, offering inclusive and equitable programming for all young children, from preconception to age 8, and their families affected by emergencies.
Both the Library and the Guidance Note complement and build upon existing resources to use with young children and families in emergencies, developed over recent years by different stakeholders in the field. The process of developing these tools included:
- Extensively mapping the existing resources;
- Selecting the appropriate resources according to their relevance, publication date, and accessibility.
- Organizing resources around the Emergency Cycle and other important categories.
- Summarizing practical guidance around core actions for Early Childhood Development in Emergencies.
The ECDiE Programming Library presents a compilation of resources developed over recent years by different stakeholders in the field to support local-level implementers, service providers, and humanitarian workers in the planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of quality, multi-sectoral, inclusive ECDiE interventions. The resources in the Library have been classified considering the following categories, which serve as filters to navigate the Library:
- Emergency Cycle Phase
- Nurturing Care Framework Component
- Programming Cycle Phase
- Target Population
- INEE Minimum Standards
As new resources are developed, the Library will be maintained and updated regularly.
The ECDiE Programming Guidance Note is a set of tools and resources to support the planning, design, implementation, and evaluation of quality, multi-sectoral, inclusive ECDiE interventions. It is organized around the three main phases of the emergency cycle: Preparedness, Response, and Recovery. In addition, the Guidance Note includes specific resources for Coordination and Monitoring and Evaluation for quality ECDiE. In each section, users will find guidance around core actions and relevant resources to support their work.
If you have used the Guidance Note, we welcome your feedback via this short form. For additional questions or comments, contact [email protected].