الموارد Orientation to the Guidance Note on Supporting Integrated Approaches to Child Protection and Education Programming This webinar provided an orientation to the Guidance Note for Supporting Integrated Child Protection and Education Programming in Humanitarian Action, specifically discussing the shared space between the two sectors and best practices in approaching constructive and impactful integrated programming.
الموارد Laboratories of Learning: Social Movements, Education and Knowledge-Making in the Global South This book explores the ways that social movements are important and overlooked laboratories of learning and sources of knowledge-making, drawing on the findings from a collaborative research project which took place in Turkey, Colombia, Nepal and South Africa.
مدونة In conversation with shortlisted applicants from the E-Cubed fund’s final call The 2017-2021 Evidence for Education in Emergencies (E-Cubed) Research fund aimed at strengthening the evidence base in EiE, by supporting the generation of contextually relevant and usable research, and disseminating global public goods. This blog showcases a research proposal from the final call for proposals conducted in 2021.
الموارد Designing for Social Justice: A Decolonial Exploration of How to Develop EdTech for Refugees This paper reflects on the lived experiences of young refugees located in Pakistan and Rwanda when interacting with education technology (EdTech) during and following displacement.
أخبار Why these 10 humanitarian crises demand your attention now As the conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine continue to dominate headlines going into 2024, it’s important to remember the many other crises that are too easily forgotten by the media and neglected by aid donors – often just because of their complexity or their relative lack of geopolitical importance.
الموارد دليل للعائلات المتأثرة بالأزمات والنزوح والظروف الصعبة تواجه الأطفال والبالغين تحديات صعبة عندما يشعرون بالخوف أو الخطر، حيث يتأثرون برغبة الهروب أو المواجهة، وقد يصابون بحالة من الجمود. يعتبر ذلك وسيلة للدماغ لحمايتهم. العائلات التي تنتقل وتبحث عن استقرار مؤقت تواجه تحديات مماثلة، وقد يكون وجود علاقة مع شخص بالغ وموثوق به مفيدًا في تعزيز الاستقرار. التعاون والتعاطف مع هذه العائلات يمكن أن يخفف من مخاوفهم ويساعدهم في اكتشاف نقاط قوتهم. يوفر هذا الدليل استراتيجيات للتواصل والدعم، والتي يمكن أن تساعد العائلات على تجاوز التحديات والمحافظة على الأمل. يركز الدليل على قبول أهمية المشاعر القوية في الأوقات الصعبة، مع التشديد على أن الشجاعة والقوة والمرونة يمكن أن تساعد في مواجهة التحديات والاستمرار في الحياة.
الموارد Gaza Education Cluster Response Plan The purpose of this response plan is to ensure that the children and youth in Gaza can resume their right to learn as soon as possible after the cessation of hostilities, that all education actors do everything possible during the current hostilities to plan for this, and then support the effective resumption of education in Gaza once hostilities stop.
الموارد Financial Tracking Service (FTS) The Financial Tracking Service (FTS) is a centralized source of curated, continuously updated, fully downloadable data and information on humanitarian funding flows.
الموارد World Inequality Database on Education The World Inequality Database on Education (WIDE) brings together data from Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS), other national household surveys and learning assessments from over 160 countries.
الموارد International Development Statistics DAC statistics provide comprehensive data on the volume, origin and types of aid and resource flows to over 150 developing countries and territories.