Ressource The Centrality of Children and their Protection in Humanitarian Action – An Introduction The Alliance calls upon the leadership of the humanitarian architecture, decision makers within humanitarian organisations, donors, and all humanitarian actors to fulfil their commitments to children and their protection as an integral part of the Centrality of Protection and central element of all humanitarian action.
Ressource La centralidad de los niños y su protección en la acción humanitaria: Una introducción la Alianza hace un llamado a los líderes de la arquitectura humanitaria, a los tomadores de decisiones dentro de las organizaciones humanitarias, a los donantes y a todos los actores humanitarios para que cumplan sus compromisos con los niños y su protección como parte integral de la Centralidad de la Protección
Ressource La centralité des enfants et leur protection dans l’action humanitaire – Une introduction l’Alliance appelle les dirigeants de l’architecture humanitaire, les décideurs des organisations humanitaires, les donateurs et tous les acteurs humanitaires à remplir leurs engagements en faveur des enfants et de leur protection en tant que partie intégrante du caractère central de la protection. et élément central de toute action humanitaire.
Evènement Accelerate with Care: Towards Gender-Responsive Accelerated Secondary Education This webinar is on Gender-Responsive Secondary Accelerated Education and a report on examining the relevance and appropriateness of SAEPs, the factors that enable and challenge the potential of SAEPs in supporting progress through and completion of secondary education, and the extent to which SAEPs are gender-responsive. UTC
Ressource Always Included: Uninterrupted education for children with disabilities before, during, and after a crisis Building on a number of case-studies, testimonies, data, as well as considerations from key informant’s interviews, this report illustrates how education systems need to become more inclusive for children and youth with disabilities and, at the same time, more resilient to cope with crises and to ensure education in all settings and circumstances.
Ressource Inclure en toutes circonstances : Une éducation sans interruption pour les enfants handicapés avant, pendant et après une crise L'objectif de l'étude était de comprendre les défis et les opportunités de l'éducation inclusive pour les enfants handicapés dans ces circonstances difficiles et ces contextes de crise.
Evènement Building Inclusive Education Systems for Refugees The webinar will provide a global overview of educational inclusion from a data and policy perspective, and a deep dive into reflections on refugee inclusion in national education systems in the West and Central African region and the Latin American and Caribbean Regions. The webinar launches a joint inter-agency brief and two publications on the topic and provides the groundwork for discussions on educational inclusion for refugees at the sidelines of the upcoming 2023 Global Refugee Forum. UTC
Ressource Coordination in Practice: Lessons from ECD Coordination in Challenging Contexts Sesame Workshop and the UVA Humanitarian Collaborative partnered to better understand the success factors and challenges in the coordination of multi-sectoral ECD particularly in areas affected by conflict and crisis. In this webinar, we presented learnings and share assets that the cohort has produced so far and that can support practitioners in their work.
Ressource INEE AEWG Pathways for Change & Learning Agenda This document articulates how the INEE Accelerated Education Working Group (AEWG) aims to achieve the change it wants to see in educational opportunities for out-of-school children and youth and contribute to ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all (SDG4).
Ressource Les voies du changement et le programme de formation du Groupe de travail sur l’éducation accélérée Ce document présente la manière dont le Groupe de travail sur l’éducation accélérée (AEWG) du Réseau Inter-agences pour l’Éducation en Situations d’Urgence (INEE) prévoit de mettre en œuvre les changements visés en matière de possibilités d’éducation pour les enfants et les jeunes non scolarisés et contribuer à veiller à ce que tous puissent suivre une éducation de qualité dans des conditions d’équité et promouvoir les possibilités d’apprentissage tout au long de la vie (objectif de développement durable [ODD] 4).