Evento INEE Inclusive Education Resources - Highlights and Discussion This virtual event will provide an overview of the Inclusive Distance Education Toolkit, Disability-inclusive Education in Emergencies report, and other resources. By attending this webinar, you will get the chance to meet IEWG members and co-chairs, and INEE’s IE Coordinator, and have the opportunity to ask questions related to the resources and work of INEE’s IEWG. UTC
Blog An impossible choice: Education or Family? The horrendous impact of some residential schools, especially for indigenous children, are well-documented and well known. What is less well-understood, however, is that the legacy of this kind of residential education continues today around the world. This blog presents recent research on the ongoing use and harms of residential education worldwide.
Recurso Module de formation sur l'éducation inclusive en situations d’urgence Le module de formation de l'INEE sur l'éducation inclusive en situations d'urgence vise à présenter aux intervenants de première ligne, aux responsables de l'élaboration et de la mise en œuvre des programmes humanitaires de tous les secteurs les concepts de base de l'éducation inclusive dans les situations d'urgence et dans les contextes touchés par des crises. Il peut être utilisé indépendamment ou avec d'autres modules du programme de formation harmonisé ESU.
Recurso Inclusive Education in Emergencies Training Module The INEE Inclusive Education in Emergencies Training Module training seeks to introduce frontline responders, humanitarian program developers, and implementers of all sectors to basic concepts of Inclusive Education in Emergencies and crisis-affected contexts. It can be used independently or with other modules of the full EiE Harmonized Training Package.
Recurso Learning Curves: A Global Review of Education and Institutional Care This Global Thematic Review on Education examines the under-researched relationship between education and institutional care. It uses a rights-based lens rooted in the principle that all fundamental rights are universal, inalienable, interdependent and indivisible. Specifically, it is based on the premise that children’s fundamental rights to both education and family life should and can coexist, but that that indivisibility is currently, at times, compromised.
Blog 7 مبادئ للتطبيق: التعليم الجامع للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة في حالات الطوارئ يعيش حوالي 22.4 مليون شاب ذو إعاقة في سياقات تتاثر بالطوارئ والأزمات. باستناد إلى التقارير الحديثة التي وضعتها مجموعة العمل للتعليم الجامع (IEWG)التبعة للشبكة المشتركة لوكالات التعليم في حالات الطوارئ، تعرف على المزيد حول مبادئ التطبيق للتعليم الجامع للأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة في حالات الطوارئ.
Blog Disability-inclusive education in emergencies: 7 principles for practice An estimated 22.4 million young persons with disabilities live in emergency and crisis-affected contexts. Based on recent reports developed by the Inclusive Education Working Group (IEWG) at the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), learn about the principles for practice for disability-inclusive education in emergencies (EiE).
Blog L’éducation intégrant les handicaps dans les situations d’urgence : 7 principes à suivre On estime à 22,4 millions le nombre de jeunes en situation de handicap vivant dans des contextes d'urgence et de crise. Sur la base de rapports récents élaborés par le Groupe de Travail sur l'Éducation Inclusive (IEWG) du Réseau Inter-agences pour l'Éducation en Situations d'Urgence (INEE), découvrez les principes de pratique de l'éducation inclusive en situations d'urgence (ESU) pour les personnes en situation de handicap.
Recurso Building Inclusive Education Systems for Refugees This brief advances knowledge on the current state of inclusion of refugee learners. It is based on several separate but complementary studies carried out by UNICEF Innocenti, UNHCR, and UNESCO, and was developed to share common inter-agency findings, gaps, and learnings.
Recurso Disability-inclusive Education in Emergencies: Key concepts, approaches, and principles for practice This report defines and clarifies key concepts and terminology for disability-inclusive education in emergencies (EiE) and provides seven guiding principles. It is meant to be used as a companion piece to the INEE Minimum Standards and to support stakeholders’ efforts to be more intentional in their design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of disability-inclusive EiE interventions.