Blog شريان الحياة في اليمن: دعم القطاع الخاص للتعليم اثناء الطوارئ والأزمات بسبب الحرب الدائرة في اليمن والظروف الاقتصادية الصعبة، تضرر النظام التعليمي اليمني بشكل كبير حيث توقف ملايين الأطفال اليمنيين عن الدراسة، وتعرضت العديد من المدارس الحكومية اليمنية للتدمير أو التضرر. وبشكل عام، تضررت جودة التعليم في اليمن بشدة بسبب الأوضاع الصعبة التي تشهدها البلاد.
Blog A Lifeline in Yemen: Private Sector Support to Education in a Time of Crisis The war and weakened economy have led to the deterioration of Yemen's educational system. Millions of children have had their schooling interrupted or ended. Thousands of schools and education facilities have been damaged and destroyed. And there is a general deterioration in the quality of education that is taking place.
Recurso Child Labour and Education in Humanitarian Settings This paper proposes various actions, which have been adapted from the “Inter-Agency Toolkit: Preventing and responding to child labour in humanitarian action” and are structured around the INEE Minimum Standards.
Recurso Education in emergencies research partnerships through the looking glass In this paper, we reflect on the historical and ongoing legacies of (neo)colonialism and imperialism in education in emergencies (EiE) research and practice using collaborative auto-ethnography. Specifically, we explore how we’ve experienced hierarchies of power, positionality and privilege, and how we’ve benefited and/or been victims of this in the past.
Evento Lanzamiento Regional de la Campaña “Educación Sin Límites: aprendo aquí o allá” cuyo propósito es sensibilizar sobre los desafíos y oportunidades que ofrece el acceso al derecho a la educación para niñas, niños y adolescentes en situación de movilidad venezolanos y otros movimientos mixtos y sus comunidades de acogida. UTC
Recurso Fermetures d’écoles sans précédent en Afrique de l'Ouest et Centrale : Un avenir compromis pour des millions d'enfants Aujourd'hui, un total sans précédent et très inquiétant de 13 371 écoles sont fermées en raison des conflits et de l'insécurité en Afrique de l'Ouest et Centrale.
Noticias Education in emergencies: EU and UNICEF call for increased commitments to invest in safe and quality education for children in crisis Growing levels of displacement and protracted conflicts are having a severe impact on children and youth worldwide, with an estimated 222 million school-aged children and adolescents in need of education.
Recurso Pourquoi est-il important de répondre aux besoins en matière de santé mentale et de soutien psychosocial (SMSPS) ? Les situations d’urgence humanitaire causent une souffrance généralisée et affectent la santé mentale et le bien-être psychosocial des personnes.
Recurso Black Lives Matter and Comparative Education Today we talk about Black Lives Matter and what it means for the field of comparative and international education. With me are Sharon Walker and Krystal Strong, who have recently co-edited with Derron Wallace, Arathi Sriprakash, Leon Tikly, and Crain Soudien, a special issue of Comparative Education Review entitled “Black Lives Matter and Global Struggles for Racial Justice in Education.”
Blog Read all about it! INEE Meet-Ups - October 2022 Report The 3-page summary report of the October 2022 INEE Meet-Ups includes details about the 57 events, as well as feedback from participants and organizers. The report is available in English, français, español, português, العربيه.