Recurso Reforço dos sistemas de educação na primeira infância e de aprendizagem socioemocional por meio de uma abordagem de expansão orientada por dados no Iraque e na Jordânia Um estudo de caso da abordagem Ahlan Simsim do IRC para apoiar os departamentos governamentais nacionais através de programas de preparação para a escola, a fim de reforçar seus sistemas educativos e preparar as crianças afetadas por crises e conflitos no Médio Oriente para entrarem com êxito na educação primária.
Recurso Ordinary Solidarities: Re-Reading Refugee Education Response Through an Anticolonial Discursive Framework Drawing on a three-year case study of one faith-based school in Lebanon, this paper explores how one ordinary school in a refugee hostile transit country secured and protected the right to education for refugee children from Syria, within a significant broader context of multiple compounding crises.
Recurso Évaluation conjointe des besoins Éducation et Protection de l'enfance dans les centres de regroupement au Niger Des données solides sont essentielles pour une réponse de qualité. Le Global Education Cluster (GEC) travaille avec le domaine de responsabilité Global Child Protection et le Bureau d'assistance humanitaire de l'USAID pour renforcer les preuves sur les besoins holistiques des enfants en matière d'éducation et de protection.
Noticias Burkina Faso : la guerre contre l'école Le chiffre est tristement symbolique. Au Burkina Faso, désormais, plus de deux millions et demi d’élèves n’ont plus accès à l’éducation. Dans un pays de vingt millions d’habitants c’est énorme. Les écoles ferment, les unes après les autres, sous la pression des groupes djihadistes qui ne cessent de progresser dans le pays.
Recurso Pathways to Education for Afghan Women and Girls The Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security hosted four high-level expert discussions with various stakeholders––from underground school administrators, nonprofit directors, media groups, and government officials––to identify practical pathways forward for inclusive and quality education in Afghanistan.
Noticias What’s the ‘Flagship Initiative’, and how might it transform emergency aid? You may not have heard of it yet, but many in the humanitarian aid sector are abuzz with anticipation about what is being referred to – in typically functional aidspeak – as the “Emergency Relief Coordinator’s Flagship Initiative”.
Recurso The missing piece: Secondary education in crisis contexts This paper provides an overview of secondary education in crisis contexts, highlighting the current issues, challenges, and thematic areas that help or hinder adolescents’ access to quality learning opportunities. It is an evidence-informed, analytical, and high-level summary of current debates and tensions in the field, and is intended to be read by government leaders, humanitarian sector policy makers, and practitioners to guide and support advocacy and decision-making processes
Recurso Toward Climate-Smart Education Systems: A 7-Dimension Framework for Action This paper proposes a seven-dimension framework to leverage potential entry points and address gaps within national education systems to strengthen the resilience and relevance of education to climate change and environmental degradation. It highlights opportunities for leveraging the role of education in wider climate change, disaster risk and environmental efforts.
Recurso Vers des systèmes éducatifs intégrant le climat : Un cadre d’action en 7 dimensions En s'appuyant sur les travaux et les efforts menés par les différents partenaires de l'éducation, le présent document propose un cadre à sept dimensions pour exploiter les points d'entrée potentiels et combler les lacunes des systèmes éducatifs nationaux afin de renforcer la résilience et la pertinence de l'éducation face au changement climatique et à la dégradation de l'environnement.
Recurso Joint Education and Child Protection Needs Assessment: Niger The Joint Education and Child Protection Needs Assessment in Niger was implemented in the 36 schools selected as “centres de regroupement” by the Ministry of Education in the regions of Diffa, Maradi, Tahoua and Tillabéri, and the corresponding communities.