Education in emergencies research partnerships through the looking glass

In this paper, and as a team of researchers/practitioners spanning the globe, we reflect on the historical and ongoing legacies of (neo)colonialism and imperialism in education in emergencies (EiE) research and practice using collaborative auto-ethnography. Specifically, we explore how we’ve experienced hierarchies of power, positionality and privilege, and how we’ve benefited and/or been victims of this in the past. We then move to explore how we are striving to realise authentic and meaningful co-production in ACCESS (Accelerating Change for Childrens’ and Youths’ Education for Systems Strengthening), a 44-month research-practice partnership that aims to improve education provision for out-of-school children and youth. We identify both opportunities and challenges to doing this and highlight how decolonising EiE research/practice is an ongoing process rather than finite, singular actions.

Resource Info

Resource Type

Journal Article


Published by

Globalisation, Societies, and Education

Authored by

Ritesh Shah, Kayla Boisvert, Ana Maria Restrepo Saenz, Chima Egbujuo & Mai Nasrallah


Anti-racism and Decoloniality
Humanitarian Sectors - Education