Resource The evidence for improving education in conflict-affected areas of Nigeria and existing gaps This review sets out to (i) identify and synthesise the evidence base of education programmes in conflict-affected areas of Nigeria in order to generate a rigorous understanding of the circumstances under which education is delivered; and (ii) identify evidence gaps concerning access, quality and continuity of education, and the interventions that aim to improve education outcomes.
Resource From Evidence to Practice: The State of the Evidence of Education in an Emergency Context - Cox's Bazar Access to high-quality and continuous education is a fundamental right for all children, including those affected by conflict and protracted crises. Yet despite ongoing efforts, significant barriers to access, quality and continuity of education remain. In this paper, we project to carry out a systematic review of evidence about the state of education in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, where education delivery to conflict-affected Rohingya communities remains particularly challenging.
Resource ERICC Research Agenda for Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh Informed by the ERICC Conceptual Framework and consultations with local stakeholders, our research agenda tackles the problem by developing a series of studies on three key aspects of education in Cox’s Bazar: ongoing responses to the recently introduced Myanmar curriculum, the current role of madrasas and their potential as partners for education interventions, and an analysis on continuing education for girls and older adolescents.
Resource ERICC Research Agenda for Jordan The research agenda presented here highlights ERICC’s co-constructed national research priorities within Jordan, the rationale and factors that inform these priorities, and research plans to enact the agenda moving forward.
Resource ERICC Research Agenda for Nigeria The Nigeria research agenda outlines the research direction based on the co-construction of evidence and sets out the co-creative principles for implementing the research agenda. The research themes that constitute the Nigeria research agenda were identified through consultations with key in-country stakeholders at the Federal level and in Borno, Adamawa, and Kaduna States.
Resource Global Girlhood Report 2023: Girls at the Centre of the Storm – Her planet, her future, her solutions This year’s adolescent-friendly Global Girlhood Report explores how the climate crisis impacts girls’ rights. It features new analysis by Save the Children on emergency hotspots where girls face the dual threat of child marriage and climate disasters, and stories of girls advocating for climate action in their communities.
Resource Promising Learning through Play Practices in Emergency Response This webinar presented findings from the PlayMatters project from its one-year multisectoral Emergency Response Mechanism in conflict-affected Ethiopia.
Resource Attention à l’écart 3 : Équité et inclusion dans et par l’éducation des filles en situations de crises Ce rapport résume les progrès, les lacunes, les défis et les opportunités dans l’amélioration de l’éducation et de la formation pour les filles et les femmes touchées par les crises et les conflits. Ce rapport suit les progrès depuis le rapport Attention à l’écart 2 et met en lumière les thématiques suivantes : le recrutement et la rétention des enseignantes, les filles vivant avec un handicap et l'éducation inclusive sensible au genre, et l'éducation à la santé et aux droits sexuels et reproductifs (SDSR) en situations d'urgence.
Resource سد الفجوة 3: تعزيز المساواة والشمول في تعليم الفتيات خلال الأزمات تلخص هذه الورقة نتائج تقرير الرصد "سدّ الفجوة 3: الإنصاف والشمول في تعليم الفتيات خلال الأزمات" وتوصي بإجراءات محددة للحكومات والجهات المانحة والمجتمع المدني وجامعي البيانات ومجمعيها والمدرسين وموظفي التعليم الآخرين لمعالجة الثغرات التي تم تحديدها في تقديم وتخطيط وتمويل ورصد تعليم الفتيات والنساء في سياقات الأزمات.
Resource Closing the Gap 3: Promoting Equity and Inclusion in and through Girls’ Education in Crisis This paper summarizes the findings of the monitoring report: Mind the Gap 3: Equity and Inclusion in and through Girls’ Education in Crisis and recommends actions for governments, donors, civil society, collectors and collators of data, and teachers and other education personnel to address the gaps identified in the delivery, planning, funding, and monitoring of girls’ and women’s education in crisis contexts.