INEE Minimum Standards Contextualizations

The INEE Minimum Standards are generic in order to be applicable to a broad range of contexts. They are meant to serve as a guide to practitioners and policy-makers to establish quality education programming in emergencies through to recovery. The Minimum Standards are most effective when they are contextualized to each context. The Standards define the goals for access to quality education in universal terms, while the key actions represent specific steps that actors can take to achieve each Standard. Because each context is different, actors need to adapt the content of the standards to each situation to make them concrete and actionable. Context, including available resources and the stage of the emergency, is important to consider when determining locally acceptable contextualized actions.

Steps to contextualize the INEE Minimum Standards

Stakeholders who are interested in contextualizing the INEE MS should contact the INEE Secretariat ( for more guidance and support on planning and reporting.

In general, a formal contextualization follows these seven steps:

  • Step 1: Map out other education providers in your context
  • Step 2: Host an INEE MS orientation workshop
  • Step 3: Set up a working group with representatives from across the education sector
  • Step 4: Work with a facilitator to guide the contextualization process
  • Step 5: Define the content of each standard in accordance with the context
  • Step 6: Synthesize the contextualized standards into one document
  • Step 7: Host a forum to present the contextualized standards to the stakeholders and practitioners in your context

Below is a list of contextualized INEE Minimum Standards as well as resources to support the contextualization process.

30 April 2024 Manual/Handbook/Guide Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

INEE Minimum Standards Contextualization Package

This package was developed to support stakeholders in contextualizing the INEE Minimum Standards. It contains tools and guidelines to ensure that the process builds on lessons learned globally, is in line with best practices, and is in coordination with the INEE Secretariat.

31 December 2014 Manual/Handbook/Guide Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), Save the Children, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

Contextualized INEE Minimum Standards: Bangladesh

The INEE Minimum Standards are generic in order to be applicable to a broad range of contexts.The Minimum Standards are most effective when they are contextualised to each individual setting. The following is a sample of contextualised INEE Minimum Standards from Bangladesh in 2015.

31 December 2012 Manual/Handbook/Guide
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)
Ethiopia Education Cluster

Contextualized INEE Minimum Standards: Ethiopia

The INEE Minimum Standards are generic in order to be applicable to a broad range of contexts. The Minimum Standards are most effective when they are contextualised to each individual setting. The following is a sample of contextualised INEE Minimum Standards from Ethiopia.

1 August 2018 Manual/Handbook/Guide
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)
Iraq Education Cluster

Contextualized INEE Minimum Standards: Iraq

Based on the INEE Minimum Standards for Education, this contextualized tool defines effective, quality, and inclusive education practices that support the provision of safe, quality, and relevant education for all children and youth in Iraq and surrounding countries.

31 December 2014 Manual/Handbook/Guide
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)
Education Sector Working Group

Contextualized INEE Minimum Standards: Jordan

The INEE Minimum Standards are generic in order to be applicable to a broad range of contexts. They are most effective when they are contextualized to each individual setting. The following is the contextualized INEE Minimum Standards from Jordan.

31 December 2013 Manual/Handbook/Guide Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

Contextualized INEE Minimum Standards: Lebanon

The INEE Minimum Standards are generic in order to be applicable to a broad range of contexts. They are most effective when they are contextualized to each individual setting. The following is the contextualized INEE Minimum Standards from Lebanon.

1 May 2021 Manual/Handbook/Guide
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), Save the Children, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Mongolian Education Alliance

Contextualized INEE Minimum Standards: Mongolia

Based on the INEE Minimum Standards for Education, this contextualized tool defines effective, quality, and inclusive education practices that support the provision of safe, quality, and relevant education for all children and youth in Mongolia. 

1 December 2021 Manual/Handbook/Guide
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)
Nigeria Education in Emergencies Working Group

INEE Minimum Standards for Education - NE Nigeria

This document follows the organisation of the INEE Minimum Standards: the five domains and their correlating standards. The sections for each standard includes the text of the original INEE Minimum Standards, and then contextualised guidance on how to interpret the global standard in the North- East Nigeria context.

31 December 2012 Manual/Handbook/Guide Global Education Cluster, Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

Contextualized INEE Minimum Standards: occupied Palestinian territory

The INEE Minimum Standards are generic in order to be applicable to a broad range of contexts. The Minimum Standards are most effective when they are contextualised to each individual setting. The following is a sample of contextualised INEE Minimum Standards from occupied Palestinian territory in 2013.

22 April 2013 Manual/Handbook/Guide
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)
Somalia Education Cluster

Contextualized INEE Minimum Standards: Somalia

INEE Minimum Standards for Education: Preparedness, Response, Recovery. Contextualized for Somalia. This document is the product of the work of the INEE Secretariat and the Somalia Education Cluster, carried out in 2011 and 2012.

30 March 2012 Manual/Handbook/Guide
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)
South Sudan Education Cluster

Contextualized INEE Minimum Standards: South Sudan

The INEE Minimum Standards are generic in order to be applicable to a broad range of contexts. They are most effective when they are contextualized to each individual setting. The following is the contextualized INEE Minimum Standards from South Sudan.

31 December 2012 Manual/Handbook/Guide
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)
Sri Lanka Education Working Group

Contextualized INEE Minimum Standards: Sri Lanka

The INEE Minimum Standards are generic in order to be applicable to a broad range of contexts. They are most effective when they are contextualized to each individual setting. The following is the contextualized INEE Minimum Standards from Sri Lanka.

20 September 2011 Manual/Handbook/Guide
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organziation (UNESCO)
Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Technology

Contextualized INEE Minimum Standards: Vietnam

The INEE Minimum Standards are generic in order to be applicable to a broad range of contexts. They are most effective when they are contextualized to each individual setting. The following is the contextualized INEE Minimum Standards from Vietnam.

31 December 2015 Manuel/Guide Cluster éducation global, Réseau Inter-agence pour l'éducation en situations d'urgences (INEE), Save the Children

Normes Minimales de l’éducation en situations d’urgence: RDC Nord Kivu

C’est en prenant en compte ces éléments clés du contexte du Nord-Kivu et des risques auxquels la région est exposée mais aussi en tenant compte de la capacité et des pouvoirs des autorités de la RDC, que les Normes minimales de l’INEE ont été contextualisées pour répondre de façon plus pertinente au cas du Nord-Kivu.