INEE Minimum Standards Contextualizations
The INEE Minimum Standards are generic in order to be applicable to a broad range of contexts. They are meant to serve as a guide to practitioners and policy-makers to establish quality education programming in emergencies through to recovery. The Minimum Standards are most effective when they are contextualized to each context. The Standards define the goals for access to quality education in universal terms, while the key actions represent specific steps that actors can take to achieve each Standard. Because each context is different, actors need to adapt the content of the standards to each situation to make them concrete and actionable. Context, including available resources and the stage of the emergency, is important to consider when determining locally acceptable contextualized actions.
Steps to contextualize the INEE Minimum Standards
Stakeholders who are interested in contextualizing the INEE MS should contact the INEE Secretariat ([email protected]) for more guidance and support on planning and reporting.
In general, a formal contextualization follows these seven steps:
- Step 1: Map out other education providers in your context
- Step 2: Host an INEE MS orientation workshop
- Step 3: Set up a working group with representatives from across the education sector
- Step 4: Work with a facilitator to guide the contextualization process
- Step 5: Define the content of each standard in accordance with the context
- Step 6: Synthesize the contextualized standards into one document
- Step 7: Host a forum to present the contextualized standards to the stakeholders and practitioners in your context
Below is a list of contextualized INEE Minimum Standards as well as resources to support the contextualization process.