Blog Anúncio do JEiE Volume 8, Número 2 – Edição Especial sobre Género na Educação em Situações de Emergência! Esta edição especial do JEiE oferece novas perceções sobre as experiências de género de meninos e meninas que procuram educação de qualidade em contextos de conflito e crise.
Blog الإعلان عن المجلد 8 ، العدد 2 من مجلة التعليم في حالات الطوارئ- إصدار خاص حول النوع الاجتماعي في التعليم في حالات الطوارئ! يقدم هذا العدد الخاص من مجلة التعليم في حالات الطوارئ JEiE رؤى جديدة حول التجارب المتعلقة بالنوع الاجتماعي للفتيات والفتيان الذين يسعون للحصول على تعليم جيد في سياقات الصراع والأزمات.
Blog Announcing JEiE Volume 8, Number 2 – Special Issue on Gender in Education in Emergencies! This special issue of JEiE offers new insights into the gendered experiences of girls and boys seeking quality education in contexts of conflict and crisis.
Ressource Book Review: UNESCO’s GEMR Gender Report 2019: Building Bridges for Gender Equality, and INEE’s Mind the Gap: The State of Girls Education in Crisis and Conflict In her review of UNESCO’s GEMR Gender Report 2019 and INEE’s Mind the Gap report, Nora Fyles comments on the status of the evidence base on girls’ education and the progress the EiE field has made in responding to the ambitions of the 2018 Charlevoix Declaration.
Ressource The Impact of COVID-19 School Closures on Child Protection and Education Inequalities in Three Humanitarian Contexts The report share research findings and recommendations drawn from qualitative data gathered in humanitarian con- texts in three countries and continents—Colombia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and Lebanon—to understand how children have experienced the impact of COVID-19 school closures on their protection, well-being, and education inequalities.
Ressource El impacto del cierre de las escuelas por el COVID-19 en la Protección de la Niñez y las Desigualdades Educativas en Tres Contextos Humanitarios El informe comparte los resultados de la investigación y las recomendaciones extraídas de datos cualitativos recopilados en con- textos humanitarios de tres países y continentes -Colombia, República Democrática del Congo (RDC) y Líbano- para comprender cómo han experimentado los niños y las niñas el impacto del cierre de escuelas COVID-19 en su protección, bienestar y desigualdades educativas.
Ressource Global Estimates: Number of Crisis-Affected Children and Adolescents in Need of Education Support This new study proposes a new methodology that leverages the latest, most granular available data on crisis severity, children with functional difficulties, forcibly displaced children, out-of-school rates and data from learning outcomes from databases to estimate of the number of out-of-school children in emergencies and the number of crisis-affected children who may not be learning.
Evènement Launch of JEiE Special Issue on Gender in Education in Emergencies The Journal on Education in Emergencies and INEE are pleased to invite you to join us for a webinar on the forthcoming JEiE Special Issue on Gender in EiE!
Ressource Experimental evidence on learning using low-tech when school is out This paper provides experimental evidence on strategies to support learning when schools close. We conduct a large-scale randomized trial testing two low-technology interventions— SMS messages and phone calls—with parents to support their child in Botswana.
Ressource Measurement for what? Developing measurement tools for the EiE sector This webinar highlighted the importance of measurement tools to inform programming as well as provide a space for researchers and practitioners to reflect on the measurement tool development process.