Book Review: UNESCO’s GEMR Gender Report 2019: Building Bridges for Gender Equality, and INEE’s Mind the Gap: The State of Girls Education in Crisis and Conflict

In her review of UNESCO’s GEMR Gender Report 2019: Building Bridges for Gender Equality and INEE’s Mind the Gap: The State of Girls Education in Crisis and Conflict, Nora Fyles finds that, while the scope and objectives of the two reports differ, both contribute to the evidence base on gender and education in a range of crisis contexts, including migration and displacement. They also summarize international, regional, and national legal and policy frameworks; draw from the literature to describe gender dynamics in education; and provide specific examples and case studies. Both reports establish a foundation of evidence on the status of girls’ education in crisis contexts and point to critical concerns that should drive the agenda to advance the agenda of the Charlevoix Declaration.


Resource Info

Resource Type

Journal Article


Published by

Journal on Education in Emergencies (JEiE)

Authored by

Nora Fyles


Research and Evidence