
The INEE Blog is an open space for sharing opinions, resources, developments, and discussions on topics relevant to education in emergencies. It is a place to engage the INEE community and raise awareness about issues important to our field of work. INEE publishes blog posts in Arabic, English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish.

To submit content for consideration, please contact [email protected].

Note: The opinions expressed in the blog posts included here are those of the respective authors; they do not necessarily reflect the opinions of INEE or its members.

[Deadline Extended] Call for New and Updated Case Studies on Supporting Teachers in Crisis Contexts - TiCC Event Series 2021-2022

Written by
TiCC Collaborative
Published by
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

Education in Emergencies practitioners, policymakers, researchers, and teachers are invited to submit case studies about teacher programming and policies in conflict, crisis, and displacement contexts. Successful submissions will be invited to present at Teachers in Crisis Contexts Event Series webinars in October, November, and December.

Why you should join the INEE Community of Practice

Written by
Oula Abu-Amsha, INEE Community of Practice Coordinator
Published by
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

In June 2021, INEE launched a new Community of Practice on Slack. And I think you should join it.

Promising Research: Shortlisted Proposals from E-Cubed Round 4

Written by
Sonja Anderson, INEE Evidence Coordinator
Published by
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

In 2020, 139 E-Cubed proposals were reviewed, 15 proposals were short-listed for review, and 2 proposals were selected for funding.

The bombing on Gaza has stopped for now

Written by
Ayman Qwaider
Published by
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

A ceasefire in Gaza was put in place on May 10th 2021, ending 11 days of Israeli aggression on the civilian population and the infrastructure of the Gaza Strip. The bombing has now stopped. But the violence against Palestinians has not ceased.

Teaching in complex crises: Seeking balance in selfless acts of service

Written by
Chris Henderson
Published by
International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030

On July 28th and 29th the Global Education Summit will focus on financing the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) from 2021 though to 2025. This article implores that teachers - who have led at the frontlines of recent crises, yet remain down the list of education financing priorities - must be a central feature of the Summit’s commitments.

A Whole School Approach to Preventing and Responding to School-Related, Gender-Based Violence (SRGBV): Prioritizing Safety from Violence as Schools Reopen

Written by
Lydia Madyirapanze, FAWE Zimbabwe
Published by
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

In this blog, part of the Committing to Change: Girls’ EiE from Charlevoix to COVID-19 blog series, Lydia Madyirapanze discusses the importance of education sectors addressing the impacts of the violence learners experienced during school closures, and ensure that learners are safe when schools reopen.

Are we truly listening to adolescent girls and young women?

Written by
Nafissatou Faye, Plan International
Published by
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

In this blog, part of the Committing to Change: Girls' EiE from Charlevoix to COVID-19, Nafissatou Faye discusses the importance of ensuring opportunities for participation for adolescent girls and young women in EiE programming situated alongside Plan for Girls, a Plan International project funded by Global Affairs Canada working to address this issue in Benin and Cameroon.

Launch Announcement: TiCC Event Series 2021-2022

Published by
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

The INEE Teachers in Crisis Contexts (TiCC) Collaborative invites you to register for the TiCC Event Series 2021-2022. The series will provide opportunities for EiE stakeholders,  including teachers, teacher educators, school leaders, practitioners, and policymakers, to come together to transform support for teachers working in emergencies and protracted crises.