الموارد Education System Resilience The paper presents the concept of education system resilience (ESR) as found in the literature and explores understandings and implementation of ESR within policies and plans for a selected group of GPE partner countries.
الموارد Resiliencia de los sistemas educativos El documento presenta el concepto de resiliencia de los sistemas educativos (ESR, por sus siglas en inglés) tal y como se encuentra en la bibliografía y explora la comprensión e implementación de la ESR dentro de las políticas y planes de un grupo seleccionado de países socios de la AME.
الموارد Résilience du système éducatif Cette étude de cadrage présente le concept de résilience du système éducatif (RSE) tel qu’il est présent dans la littérature scientifique ainsi que dans la littérature grise et explore la compréhension et la mise en oeuvre de la RSE dans les politiques et les plans d’un groupe sélectionné de pays partenaires du GPE.
الموارد Policy Dialogue Tool: Inclusion of Refugees in National Education Systems This tool is intended to be used primarily by GPE Secretariat country teams but may also be useful to GPE partner countries and their education sector partners. This tool is part of GPE’s commitments to support inclusive, evidence-based policy dialogue to include refugees in education systems.
الموارد Political economy and (in)coherence of the education system in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh This paper delves into the political economy of the education system in Cox’s Bazar exploring the underlying causes of dissonance between official commitments and the day-to-day delivery of education by different actors.
الموارد Field Note: Education Systems Response to COVID-19: Reflections on the Contributions of Research to USAID’s Education and Resilience Agenda Jennifer Flemming et al. apply a resilience framework to the pandemic response in Colombia, Georgia, Lebanon, Nigeria, and Zambia to identify the practices, structures, and resource flows these systems leveraged to absorb, adapt, or transform the shock to their education systems from COVID-19.
الموارد The Need for Climate-Smart Education Financing: A review of the evidence and new costing framework This joint report by Save the Children and GPE reviews the literature on the bidirectional relationship between the climate crisis and funding for education and presents a new tool – the Climate and Environment Intervention Matrix (CEIM) – to help governments and donors understand the cost implications of building climate-smart education systems.
الموارد Pour un financement de l’éducation intégrant le climat : Examen des éléments probants et nouveau cadre d’évaluation des coûts Le présent rapport a pour vocation d’examiner la littérature portant sur la relation bidirectionnelle entre la crise climatique et le financement de l’éducation.
الموارد Building Resilient Education Systems: Evidence from Large-Scale Randomized Trials in Five Countries We present results from large-scale randomized trials evaluating the provision of education in emergency settings across five countries: India, Kenya, Nepal, Philippines, and Uganda. We test multiple scalable models of remote instruction for primary school children during COVID-19, which disrupted education for over 1 billion schoolchildren worldwide. Despite heterogeneous contexts, results show that the effectiveness of phone call tutorials can scale across contexts.
الموارد تطوير البرامج المرتكزة على البيانات المتوفرة في العراق والأردن من أجل تعزيز التعليم في مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة وأنظمة التعلّم الاجتماعي العاطفي دراسة حالة لنهج أهلا سمسم التابع لـ لجنة الإنقاذ الدولية لدعم إدارات الحكومات الوطنية من خلال برامج الاستعداد للمدرسة من خلال تعزيز أنظمتها التعليمية وذلك لإعداد الأطفال المتأثرين بالأزمات والصراعات في الشرق الأوسط لدخول المدرسة الابتدائية بنجاح