Domain 3: Teaching and Learning

The standards in this domain emphasize that equitable access to education must be accompanied by quality teaching and learning, and attention to children’s and young people’s emotional, physical, and cognitive wellbeing. This means that learners require a relevant and inclusive curriculum, along with teaching and learning approaches that promote their social and emotional development. Emergencies can offer the opportunity to improve many aspects of education, including the curriculum, teaching methodology, access to MHPSS, learner assessments, and teachers’ professional development.


مصادر مرتبطه
1 سبتمبر/أيلول 2018 وثيقة سياساتيه

اﻻﺗﻔقﺎ اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻲﻤ ﺑﺄﺸ ناﻟﺟﻼﺌﻴﻦ

تم اعتمـاد القرار الخـاص حول مكتـب المفوض الســــامي للأمم المتحـدة لشـــؤون اللاجئين والذي يقر الاتفاق العالمي بشـــأن اللاجئين كما ورد في .(A/RES/73/151) 2018 الجزء الثاني( في 17 ديسمبر) A/73/12

15 اغسطس/آب 2022 Background Paper Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

INEE Background Paper on Distance Education in Emergencies

This background paper highlights specific challenges, lessons learned, practices, and actions to consider when aiming to provide quality, principles-based distance education (DE) in emergencies. The paper considers inclusion and equity to be key guiding principles for education in general and calls for their application across all education modalities, especially distance education.