Ressource Evidence from Implementing Multi-Sectoral EiE Programming: Lessons from the PlayMatters Emergency Response Mechanism The mixed-methods study presented in the webinar, analyzed the PlayMatters Emergency Response Mechanism, an emergency response that integrated Education, Child Protection, WASH, and Health and Nutrition programming to meet the health, safety, and educational needs of conflict-affected children.
Ressource Promising Learning through Play Practices in Emergency Response This webinar presented findings from the PlayMatters project from its one-year multisectoral Emergency Response Mechanism in conflict-affected Ethiopia.
Evènement Promising Learning through Play Practices in Emergency Response: Findings from the PlayMatters Emergency Response Mechanism in Ethiopia This webinar will present findings from the PlayMatters project from its one-year multisectoral Emergency Response Mechanism in conflict-affected Ethiopia. It will also include a moderated dialogue between INEE Teachers in Crisis Contexts (TiCC) Working Group members, the LEGO Foundation, and the PlayMatters team on Learning through Play methods in EiE. UTC
Ressource Play to Learn Annual Report 2022 Play to Learn launches a new report featuring stories from families, new research findings, and insights about playful early childhood development in humanitarian settings
Ressource Evidence for Investment: New research on effective early childhood development programming in humanitarian settings Three new randomized controlled trials led by New York University Global TIES for Children (NYU-TIES) provide new insights on what works to improve children’s holistic development. The findings indicate that remote programs can support children’s development and caregivers’ well-being and demonstrate the power of integrating educational media with ECD services.
Ressource Development of an ECDiE Coordinator Toolbox This report summarizes key insights from the ECDiE Coordinator Learning Cohort about the potential development of an ECDiE Coordinator Toolbox, including recommendations.
Ressource Integrating Videos for Young Children into Multi-sectoral Interventions: What We’re Learning from Pilots in Bangladesh, Colombia, and Kenya Sesame Workshop is partnering with educators and social service providers to pilot the use of the Watch, Play, Learn videos in different locations around the world. The goal is to learn how to facilitate use of the videos to bring joy and learning to children while providing a convenient and efficient experience for service providers and caregivers.
Blog Let’s play! Practical ways to increase agency through play in programming Play provides children and youth with vital opportunities to grow. Play is universal and it is a unifier - it cuts across sectors and thematic areas. Agency through play is critical for all children and youth, and in particular those affected by crises where there can be uncertainty and a loss of control.
Ressource Play and Learning in Children's Eyes (PALICE) Final Overview REport This report presents an overview of the tool development and piloting process, as well as the results of the pilot analysis and final modifications to the tools.
Ressource Playful Learning Across the Years (PLAY) Measurement Toolkit The Playful Learning Across the Years (PLAY) tools are designed to measure adult-child interactions that support children’s self-sustaining engagement in learning. There are multiple tools for use in different learning settings, including homes, pre-primary schools, and primary classrooms.