Announcing JEiE Arabic Translations

Research and Evidence

A selection of recent Journal on Education in Emergencies (JEiE) articles is now available in Arabic!

JEiE has published Arabic translations of three articles from JEiE Volume 7, Number 1 – Special Issue on Early Childhood Development, and three articles from JEiE Volume 7, Number 2 – Special Issue on Psychosocial Support and Social and Emotional Learning! We are pleased to disseminate critical, timely evidence to researchers and practitioners in their preferred language. 

With this collection of Arabic-language research articles and field notes, JEiE hopes to encourage uptake of contextually relevant insights, reach a wider audience, and provide rigorous evidence to inform programming, policymaking, and future research. As a diamond open access journal, JEiE is always freely available from the INEE website.

JEiE Volume 7, Number 1 and Number 2, as well as all previous issues of JEiE, are available (in English) to download for free from See the titles below for links to the Arabic translations.




التأثيرات المترتبة لإثنين من تدخلات الطفولة المبكرة على المخرجات التنموية للأطفال في نيبال بعد الزلزال

[ECD] Effects of Two Early Childhood Interventions on the Developmental Outcomes of Children in Post-Earthquake Nepal 

Jonathan Seiden, Valeria Kunz, Sara Dang, Matrika Sharma, and Sagar Gyawali 


التطوير والتحقق من صحة التقييم الدولي للتعلّم الاجتماعي والعاطفي: دليل من اختبار تجريبي مع الأطفال اللاجئين السوريين في العراق

[PSS/SEL] Developing and Validating the International Social and Emotional Learning Assessment: Evidence from a Pilot Test with Syrian Refugee Children in Iraq

Nikhit D’Sa and Allyson Krupar


ملاحظات المعلمين على التعلّم الاجتماعي العاطفي للمتعلمين: دليل القياس النفسي لتقييم البرامج

التعليمية في حالات الطوارئ

[PSS/SEL] Teachers’ Observations of Learners’ Social and Emotional Learning: Psychometric Evidence for Program Evaluation in Education in Emergencies

Ha Yeon Kim, Kalina Gjicali, Zezhen Wu, and Carly Tubbs Dolan




ملاحظة ميدانية: الزيارات المنزلية في الشرق الأوسط: آراء حول تطبيق مشروع  تواصل وتعلّم (Reach Up and Learn)

[ECD] Home Visiting in the Middle East: Reflections on the Implementation of Reach Up and Learn 

Katelin Swing Wilton, Aimée Vachon, Katie Maeve Murphy, Ayat Al Aqra, Abdullah Ensour, Iman Ibrahim, Anas Tahhan, Kayla Hoyer, and Christine Powell


 ملاحظة ميدانية: تطبيق إطار تقييم الاحتياجات الإنسانية بغرض تنمية الطفولة المبكرة: توفير المعلومات اللازمة لتصميم التدخل لمجتمعات الروهينغيا النازحة في بنغلاديش

[ECD] Implementing a Humanitarian Needs Assessment Framework for Early Childhood Development: Informing Intervention Design for Displaced Rohingya Communities in Bangladesh 

Kim Foulds, Naureen Khan, Sneha Subramanian, and Ashraful Haque 


ملاحظة ميدانية: استخدام النهج التشاركي لإنشاء برامج التعلّم الاجتماعي والعاطفي (SEL): حالة أهلاً سمسم

[PSS/SEL] Using a Participatory Approach to Create SEL Programming: The Case of Ahlan Simsim

Shanna Kohn, Kim Foulds, Charlotte Cole, Mackenzie Matthews, and Laila Hussein


For more information about JEiE, visit the INEE website.