الموارد Diagnostic tools for improving education policy planning: a case study on Yemen girls dropout in primary education in emergencies This case study focuses on the school completion of girls in primary education in public schools at the ages of 6–14. The research focuses on the population at large for the school period of 2014–2018. Based on the data and using the pathways of the decision tree, the analysis found that the war led to decreased enrolment rates and completion rates
الموارد EdTech evidence from Covid-19 response To better understand the use of EdTech interventions as part of the Covid-19 response, in late 2020, EdTech Hub commissioned ten small-scale research studies in five low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). This paper presents a summary and review of these studies to explore EdTech use in low-resource contexts during the Covid-19 pandemic and considers implications of its use in these contexts going forward.
الموارد Data Use for Program Improvement: A Framework and Toolkit How can we better link data and its use to improve our programs’ outreach, outcomes, impact, and cost efficiency? This document seeks to address this question by providing a program implementation quality (PIQ) framework, examples, and practical tools for program managers and other staff to enhance the use of data for program improvement.
الموارد Humanitarian Education Accelerator Learning Synthesis Through reviewing and reflecting on the experience of the HEA and connecting it to system level perspectives, the Synthesis seeks to present lessons learnt, good practices and recommendations that can support the scaling of humanitarian education innovations.
حدث Policy, practice, and measurement of life skills and values in East Africa ALiVE and INEE are pleased to invite you to join us for a webinar on the factors and community inputs that influence policy, practice and measurements of life skills and values in East Africa. UTC
مدونة Annonce de la traduction des articles du JEiE Volume 8, Numéro 3 – Numéro spécial sur l’éducation en période de pandémie Six articles de recherche, quatre notes de terrain et la Note éditoriale du JEiE Volume 8, Numéro 3 – notre édition spéciale sur l’éducation en période de pandémie – est maintenant disponible en anglais et en français !
مدونة Announcing Article Translations for JEiE Volume 8, Number 3 – Special Issue on Education in Pandemics Six research articles, four field notes, and the Editorial Note from JEiE Volume 8, Number 3 – our Special Issue on Education in Pandemics – are now available in both English and French!
الموارد Quality and learning indicators Understanding what quality means varies between countries. Different education actors and organizations also have their own definitions. However, most tend to agree on three broad principles: the need for relevance, for equity of access and outcome, and for proper observance of individual rights.
الموارد Indicadores de calidad y aprendizaje El concepto 'calidad' tiene un significado diferente según los diversos países. No obstante, en su mayoría, se tiende a estar de acuerdo en tres principios generales: la necesidad de la relevancia, de la equidad de acceso y resultados y de un cumplimiento adecuado de los derechos individuales.
الموارد Indicateurs de qualité et d’apprentissage Tous les pays n’ont pas la même conception de ce que signifie la qualité. Les différents acteurs de l’éducation et organisations ont aussi leur propre définition. Pourtant, ils s’accordent souvent sur trois grands principes : le besoin de pertinence, d’équité sur le plan de l’accès et des résultats, ainsi que d’un véritable respect des droits individuels.