Announcing Article Translations for JEiE Volume 8, Number 3 – Special Issue on Education in Pandemics

Research and Evidence
Coronavirus (COVID-19)

JEiE’s Special Issue on Education in Pandemics is now available in French and English!

The Journal on Education in Emergencies (JEiE) has published translations of six research articles, four field notes, and the Editorial Note from JEiE Volume 8, Number 3.

JEiE’s Special Issue on Education in Pandemics provides empirical observations of the effects the COVID-19 pandemic has had on students, parents, and teachers. It highlights evidence in support of EiE approaches that strengthen preparedness and mitigate against adverse learning outcomes and child protection concerns from future school closures, including those spurred by public health emergencies. 

With this collection of ten articles now available in French and one translated into English, JEiE hopes to reach EiE scholars and practitioners in their own language and encourage uptake and use of JEiE evidence to inform programming, policymaking, and future research among a wider audience.

As a diamond open access journal, JEiE Volume 8, Number 3, as well as all previous issues of JEiE, are available to download for free from See the titles below for links to the translated articles.


Journal on Education in Emergencies

Volume 8, Number 3 – Special Issue on Education in Pandemics 

Note Éditoriale
Editorial Note: Journal on Education in Emergencies Volume 8, Number 3
Emily Dunlop and Mark Ginsburg


L’Éducation dans les Situations d’Urgence Sanitaire : Une Analyse Intégrative de la Littérature entre 1990 et 2020
Educating during a Health Emergency: An Integrative Review of the Literature from 1990 to 2020
Kathlyn E. Elliott, Katie A. Mathew, Yiyun Fan, and David Mattson

Implementing Free Primary Education in a Crisis Context: COVID-19 and Education Reform in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo
La Mise en Œuvre de la Gratuité de l’Enseignement Primaire en Contexte de Crise : COVID-19 et Réforme de l’Enseignement au Sud Kivu, République Démocratique du Congo [originally published in French, available now in English]
Jean-Benoît Falisse, Brandt, Cyril; Jean Mukengere Basengezi, Sweta Gupta, Dieudonné Kanyerhera, Pierre Marion, Pacifique Nyabagaza, Ibrahim Safari Nyandinda, Gauthier Marchais, and Samuel Matabishi

L’Apprentissage à Domicile pour les Enfants dans des Milieux à Faibles Revenus pendant une Pandémie : Analyse des Résultats de l’Enquête 2020 en Syrie et en République Démocratique du Congo
Home Learning for Children in Low-Income Contexts during a Pandemic: An Analysis of 2020 Survey Results from Syria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Su Lyn Corcoran, Helen Pinnock, and Rachel Twigg

Toujours les Mêmes Boucs Émissaires ? La Lutte contre la Pandémie et la Sécuritisation de l’Éducation Coranique dans le Nord du Nigéria
Scapegoating the Usual Suspects? Pandemic Control and the Securitization of Qur’anic Education in Northern Nigeria
Hannah Hoechner and Sadisu Idris Salisu

La Pandémie de 2020 au Soudan du Sud : Une Étude de la Résilience et de la Continuité de l’ Éducation Chez les Mères Adolescentes et les Adolescentes Enceintes
The 2020 Pandemic in South Sudan: An Exploration of Teenage Mothers’ and Pregnant Adolescent Girls’ Resilience and Educational Continuity
Anne Corwith and Fatimah Ali

Soutenir l’Apprentissage pendant la Pandémie de COVID-19 au Rwanda : La Préparation des Chefs d’Établissement Scolaire et des Enseignants
School Leaders’ and Teachers’ Preparedness to Support Education in Rwanda during the COVID-19 Emergency
Emma Carter, Artemio Arturo Cortez Ochoa, Philip Leonard, Samuel Nzaramba, and Pauline Rose


Une Meilleure Santé Socio-Émotionnelle : l’Amélioration du Bien-Être des Enseignants et des Élèves pendant la Crise du COVID-19 au Honduras
Improving Social-Emotional Health: Expansion of Teacher and Student Wellbeing during the COVID-19 Crisis in Honduras
Craig Davis and Gustavo Páyan-Luna

Le Modèle Sandbox : Une Nouvelle Approche de l’Itération Adoptée lors de la Mise en Œuvre d’un Programme d’Éducation d’Urgence au Liban pendant la Pandémie de COVID-19
The Sandbox Model: A Novel Approach to Iterating while Implementing an Emergency Education Program in Lebanon during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Michèle Boujikian, Alice Carter, and Katy Jordan

L’Engagement Familial à Distance au Moyen du Tutorat Virtuel : Une Mesure d’Intervention d’Urgence pour Apporter un Soutien aux Enfants, aux Familles, et aux Élèves
Remote Family Engagement through Virtual Tutoring: An Emergency Response to Support Children, Families, and Students
Carmen Sherry Brown

L’Apprentissage par Projet : Une Mesure Innovante face au COVID-19
Project-Based Learning as an Innovative COVID-19 Response
Leena Zahir and Janhvi Maheshwari-Kanoria