Domain 2: Access and Learning Environment

The standards presented in this domain address the importance of creating an inclusive, equitable, and protective learning environment for all during a crisis. They highlight the importance of making sure that, during an emergency, everyone has access to education and can learn in an environment that provides protection and promotes wellbeing. This means that education facilities are safe for learners and teachers and other education personnel, and that they have access to other social services that are important to their holistic development.


مصادر مرتبطه
10 اكتوبر/تشرين الأول 2019 دليل / كتيب / دليل Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

باتت المعايير الدنيا لحماية الطفل

منذ إطلاقها في العام 2012، باتت المعايير الدنيا لحماية الطفل في العمل الإنساني من أهم الموارد التي يسترشد بها العاملون في المجال الإنساني في شتى المجالات. 

26 فبراير/شباط 2019 Report
Global Education Cluster
Norwegian Capacity (NORCAP)

Cash and Voucher Assistance for Education in Emergencies: Synthesis Report and Guidelines

In light of the Grand Bargain cash commitment to develop an evidence base for assessing costs, benefits, impacts and risks of CVA, the Global Education Cluster (GEC), with a financial contribution from DG-ECHO and technical support from NORCAP has set out to build evidence around CVA for EiE.