Resource Quadro Estratégico da INEE 2024-2030 O novo Quadro Estratégico é a estratégia plurianual da INEE que orienta todo o trabalho e os resultados da INEE de 2024 a 2030. Este documento capacita a Rede a continuar a desempenhar um papel eficaz no cumprimento do direito à educação para todas as pessoas, descreve o papel e o valor que a INEE agrega ao setor da EeE, articula a teoria da mudança da INEE e define resultados ambiciosos e alcançáveis para que as e os membros possam buscar em conjunto.
Blog An impossible choice: Education or Family? The horrendous impact of some residential schools, especially for indigenous children, are well-documented and well known. What is less well-understood, however, is that the legacy of this kind of residential education continues today around the world. This blog presents recent research on the ongoing use and harms of residential education worldwide.
Resource “I want a peaceful sky”: Education and children’s wellbeing in wartime Ukraine This report documents the ongoing impact of the war in Ukraine on children’s education and mental health, based on comprehensive research conducted by Save the Children in 2023 and 2024. This research included over 1,000 surveys of children and parents, a survey of 460 teachers, key informant interviews, and focus groups across five geographical clusters, including the regions most affected by the war.
Resource Concerted Community Engagement: Refugee Education and Parents’ Daily Acts of Resistance In this study, I seek to understand how families participate in refugee children’s education in displacement. Drawing on interviews with 16 refugee parents and caregivers living in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya, I find that caregivers actively engage in their children’s schooling.
Blog Sharing Experiences in Colombia: Challenges and Opportunities for Access to Quality Educational Options for Youth in the Rural Area of Guasca, Cundinamarca This blog summarizes the INEE Thematic Meet-up held in Guasca, Cundinamarca, Colombia, which included a workshop with girls and adolescents undergoing rights restoration. It explores their perspectives on the challenges and opportunities for accessing quality education in Colombia.
Blog Compartiendo experiencias en Colombia: retos y oportunidades de acceso a opciones de calidad educativa para los jóvenes en la localidad rural de Guasca, Cundinamarca Este blog resume el Encuentro Temático del INEE realizado en Guasca, Cundinamarca, Colombia, que consistió un taller con niñas y adolescentes en proceso de restauración de derechos. Explora sus perspectivas sobre los desafíos y oportunidades para acceder a una educación de calidad en Colombia.
Event Rencontres mondiales de l'INEE - octobre 2024 Les Rencontres mondiales de l'INEE sont des rendez-vous informels organisés aux quatre coins du monde, où les membres de l'INEE et d'autres personnes peuvent nouer des contacts, partager leurs expériences et débattre de sujets pertinents. Toutes les personnes et tous les thèmes sont les bienvenus ! Il s'agit d'une occasion fantastique de faire connaissance avec d'autres membres de l'INEE et d'autres collègues, tant au niveau personnel que professionnel. UTC
Event INEE Meet-Ups - October 2024 INEE Meet-Ups are informal gatherings in all corners of the globe where INEE members and others can network, share experiences, and discuss relevant topics. All people and all themes are welcome! This is a fantastic opportunity for getting to know other INEE members and fellow colleagues on both a personal and professional level. UTC
Event Encuentros de la INEE - Octubre 2024 Los Encuentros de la INEE son reuniones informales en las que los miembros de la INEE y otras personas pueden establecer contactos, compartir experiencias y debatir temas relevantes. ¡Todas las personas y todos los temas son bienvenidos! Se trata de una fantástica oportunidad para conocer a otros miembros de la INEE y a otros colegas tanto a nivel personal como profesional. UTC
Event Meet-Ups da INEE - outubro de 2024 Os Meet-Ups da INEE são reuniões informais, que acontecem em todos os cantos do mundo onde as e os membros da INEE e outras pessoas podem trabalhar em rede, partilhar experiências, e discutir assuntos relevantes. Todas as pessoas e todos os temas são bem-vindos! Esta é uma oportunidade fantástica para conhecer outros e outras membros e colegas da INEE, tanto a nível pessoal como profissional. UTC