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1 June 2009 Thesis/Dissertation
The Graduate Institute of Peace Studies, Kyung Hee University

Early Childhood Education: Towards Sustainable Peace in Sri Lanka

This thesis provides an understanding of how by incorporating early childhood education in its formal settings and implementing peace education within this stage, Sri Lanka’s endeavours to foster peace are more likely to have lasting positive effects in the society.

1 May 2009 Report Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

INEE 2008 Annual Report

In 2008 INEE continued to grow at a remarkable pace. The network now brings together and serves over 3,200 members, an increase of 40% over the past year, who are working in more than 114 countries for government ministries, non-governmental organizations, UN agencies, bi- and multilateral donors, research institutions and schools.

1 May 2009 Report
International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie)

Getting girls into school: a development benefit for all

A disproportionate number of girls remain out of schools in many developing countries. Overall, there is a need for more rigorous impact evaluations to find what is the most effective and cost-effective way of reducing gender inequalities in access to education.

5 April 2009 Training Material War Child

I DEAL Lifeskills Training Modules

This series of psychosocial life skills training modules are targeted towards NGOs and CBOs working directly with teacher training. The focus is on providing very practical NFE activities and games to address the needs of children affected by crisis.

5 April 2009 Manual/Handbook/Guide Plan International

Youth in Action Against Violence in Schools

This creative, fun and field friendly manual was designed by young people, for young people, as part of Plan International's "Learn Without Fear" campaign. This manual is designed for use by peer educators, youth groups, school classes, students' committees, councils and clubs.

5 April 2009 White Paper
Journal of Education for International Development

A Framework for Assessing the Effectiveness of the Delivery of Education Aid in Fragile States

This paper analyses how four approaches to delivering education aid (sector-wide approaches, trust funds, social funds and UN-led approaches) have impacted education sector outcomes, particularly in the context of fragile states, and identifies what can be learnt about the effective delivery of education aid from each of these examples.

1 April 2009 Report United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

Machel Study 10-year Strategic Review: Children and Conflict in a Changing World

The seeds of this publication were planted in October 1992, in a special discussion on children and armed conflict initiated by the Committee on the Rights of the Child. The following year, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution calling for the Secretary-General to appoint an independent expert to lead a study on the impact of armed conflict on children.

1 April 2009 Report
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Ministry of Education

Defining the Gaps: The Case of Afghanistan

This paper provides a snap shot review of the accomplishments in various areas of education in Afghanistan and attempts to highlight some gaps of serious consequences and finally makes recommendations for bridging the key gaps.

31 March 2009 Advocacy Brief
ActionAid International, Oxfam
Pamoja West Africa, African Platform for Adult Education, African Network Campaign for Education For All (ANCEFA)

From Closed Books to Open Doors: West Africa's Literacy Challenge

In this paper, ANCEFA, Pamoja West Africa, the African Platform for Adult Education, Oxfam International and ActionAid highlight the scale and impact of the literacy gap in West Africa, the region with the lowest literacy rates in the world, and make recommendations for action.

31 March 2009 Journal Article
Journal of Education for International Development

Education and Fragility: A Synthesis of the Literature

The purpose of this paper is to provide a synthesis of the emerging literature in the field of education and fragility. We examine the various attempts to capture the contexts of fragility in a pragmatic manner, from both an operational and a policy-making perspective.

31 March 2009 Journal Article Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

Global Trends for Education to Support Stability and Resilience

Initiatives and activities are focused on ensuring quality and accessible education in fragile contexts that also supports broader contributions to state-building, peacebuilding and stability. Trends in research, programming and financing relate back to the need to ensure quality and access in education provision in fragile contexts and the idea that education has a role in mitigating fragility.

26 March 2009 Journal Article
Journal of Education for International Development

INEE Guidance on Education in Conflict-Affected Countries: Responsive education from project to system

Education in emergencies in places affected by conflict emphasizes system development, particularly of primary education systems. This paper suggests that education in conflict-affected countries requires greater coordination and intentional connections between projects and programs than in places where educational institutions are well developed.

18 March 2009 Policy Document
Government of Norway

The Interactive Thematic Dialoge of the UN General Assembly on Access to Education in Emergency, Post-Crisis and Transition Situations: Summary of Interventions from Norway following UNGA

Summary of interventions from Norway: For education for all to become a reality, education needs to be respected, protected and fulfilled. We have committed ourselves to the Millennium Development Goal number 2 on education for all within 2015, and to be able to reach this goal, we need to intensify our efforts.

28 February 2009 Manual/Handbook/Guide Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

INEE Pocket Guide to Inclusive Education

The INEE pocket guide, “Education in Emergencies: Including Everyone”, takes a broad look at inclusive education principles and the types of actions that can be taken to make education in crises contexts more inclusive.

1 January 2009 Manual/Handbook/Guide
Save the Children Sweden

Effective Teaching and Classroom Management is about the Whole-Child-and Whole-School Development

During the past years – as an outcome of the UN Study on Violence against Children - Save the Children (SC) has focused much of its protection and education work on physical and psychological punishment in and around schools. Singling out punishment issues from its context of effective teaching and classroom management may have resulted in less impact than expected.

1 January 2009 Report UNESCO International Institute for Education Planning (UNESCO-IIEP)

Without capacity, there is no development

Against this background, IIEP-UNESCO undertook a wide range of studies on capacity development for achieving EFA. The focus is on educational planning and management because stronger capacities in these areas may have an important spill-over effect on the system as a whole.

1 January 2009 Case Study Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), UNESCO International Institute for Education Planning (UNESCO-IIEP)

Education and fragility in Afghanistan: A situational analysis

This paper is a part of a wider research project on education in fragile contexts being undertaken under the auspices of the Inter-Agency Network on Education in Emergencies (INEE). It asks how education can be delivered effectively in Afghanistan and how it contributes to, or mitigates, fragility.

1 January 2009 Case Study
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), UNESCO International Institute for Education Planning (UNESCO-IIEP)
University of Ulster

Education and fragility in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The review examines the post-war period in particular, from the signing of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in 1995 through to the present day. For the purposes of this review, ‘fragility’ is understood as referring to the multiple transitions the BiH State and society are currently undergoing, and the many challenges inherent in these transitions.

1 January 2009 Manual/Handbook/Guide United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), World Bank

Six Steps to Abolishing Primary School Fees: Operational Guide

The main objectives of this Operational Guide are to generate knowledge, guide analytical and technical work, and facilitate policy dialogue and decision making. The document aims to serve policy makers, planning officers, and development partners.

1 January 2009 Toolkit United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organziation (UNESCO)

Toolkit for Promoting Gender Equality in Education

The Toolkit also integrates existing information and tools designed by other national or international organizations dedicated to promoting and providing training on gender equality in education and other sectors.