INEE 2008 Annual Report

Since its inception in 2000, the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) has successfully created a vibrant and dynamic inter-agency forum that fosters collaborative resource development and knowledge sharing, and informs policy through consensus-driven advocacy. In 2008 INEE continued to grow at a remarkable pace. The network now brings together and serves over 3,200 members, an increase of 40% over the past year, who are working in more than 114 countries for government ministries, non-governmental organizations, UN agencies, bi- and multilateral donors, research institutions and schools. Moreover, in 2008 members engaged more actively than ever before with INEE, illustrated through the network’s expanded number of participatory bodies: two Working Groups (Minimum Standards and Education and Fragility), five thematic Task Teams (Adolescents and Youth, Early Childhood, Gender, HIV/AIDS, Inclusive Education and Disability), and four Language Communities (Arabic, French, Spanish, Portuguese).

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Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)


Humanitarian Sectors - Education
INEE Minimum Standards