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1 December 2011 Manual/Handbook/Guide
Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC)
IASC Needs Assessment Task Force

The Multi Cluster/Sector Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA) Approach

To address calls for the cross-sectoral identification of key strategic humanitarian priorities, the IASC NATF developed the Multi-Cluster/Sector Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA) Approach. A MIRA is the assessment and analysis of needs carried out during the first two weeks of a sudden onset disaster.

19 October 2011 Report Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), United Nations Relief and Work Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)

INEE-UNRWA Workshop Final Report

In support of UNRWA's commitment to ensure the right to education even in emergencies, INEE and UNRWA decided upon an initial collaboration to be implemented through a practical capacity building workshop for those currently managing education provision in a situation of unrest in Syria. This workshop was held in Amman, Jordan 17-19 October 2011.

2 October 2011 Manual/Handbook/Guide World Health Organization (WHO)

Psychological First Aid: Guide for Field Workers

This guide covers psychological first aid which involves humane, supportive and practical help to fellow human beings suffering serious crisis events. It is written for people in a position to help others who have experienced an extremely distressing event. It gives a framework for supporting people in ways that respect their dignity, culture and abilities.

1 October 2011 Report
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organziation (UNESCO)
Association for the Development of Education in Africa

Optimising Learning, Education and Publishing in Africa: The Language Factor

UIL and ADEA present the results of a comprehensive stocktaking research project that assesses the experiences of mother tongue and bilingual formal and non-formal education in 25 sub-Saharan African countries as well as the creation of multilingual literate environments.

20 September 2011 Manual/Handbook/Guide
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organziation (UNESCO)
Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Technology

Contextualized INEE Minimum Standards: Vietnam

The INEE Minimum Standards are generic in order to be applicable to a broad range of contexts. They are most effective when they are contextualized to each individual setting. The following is the contextualized INEE Minimum Standards from Vietnam.

31 July 2011 Report
Columbia University, Women's Refugee Commission (WRC)
Child Protection in Crisis Network for Research, Learning, and Action

The Impacts of Economic Strengthening Programs on Children

This review of 43 impact studies sought to methodically capture the known impacts of economic strengthening (ES) programs (microcredit, skills training, agricultural interventions, etc.) on the well-being of children (0-18 years) in crisis contexts in low-income countries.

25 July 2011 Case Study
The Columbia Group for Children in Adversity

An Ethnographic Study of Community-Based Child Protection Mechanisms and their Linkage with the National Child Protection System of Sierra Leone

The ethnographic research presented in this report is part of an inter-agency, grounded learning initiative undertaken in response to the desk review. It aims to strengthen child protection practice in the global child protection sector through research in three countries in West Africa (Sierra Leone), East and Southern Africa (Kenya), and Southeast Asia, respectively.

13 July 2011 Manual/Handbook/Guide
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood

Disaster risk reduction and young children: assessing needs at the community level

This guidebook provides background information on ECD and DRR, and sets out processes for assessing the capacity and needs at community levels to further identify future steps to improve ECD in DRR. It addresses the vulnerability faced by children and the efforts to mitigate underlying causes of these vulnerabilities.

10 July 2011 Report
Global Campaign for Education (GCE)
RESULTS Educational Fund

Make It Right: Ending the Crisis in Girls' Education

Once girls get into school they face numerous challenges and are far less likely than boys to Clean attending, achieve learning outcomes, and make progress to secondary education. Using a rights-based framework, the report first examines the efforts of 80 low income countries in making a full cycle of education available to girls.

10 June 2011 Case Study Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), RET International

INEE Minimum Standards Case Study: Protecting Adolescents Through Quality Education in Eastern Chad

In December 2005, Refugee Education Trust (RET) started a post-primary education program aimed at protecting and empowering young Sudanese refugees (basic education for over-aged youth, formal and distance secondary education and language courses) and young people in the Chadian host communities (basic education for over-aged youth)

31 May 2011 Training Material REPSSI

The Journey of Life Trainer's Manual: Facilitator's Guide

The Journey of Life (JOL) series helps communities to support both caregivers and children in need. With individual and community resources often stretched to the breaking point by HIV and AIDS, war, violence and natural disasters, people need the information and skills to be able to plan a course of action.

13 May 2011 Research Publication
Education Development Trust (formerly CFBT), Save the Children
Practical Action Consulting

State-Building, Peace-Building and Service Delivery in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States

This literature review is the first output of a one-year DFID-funded research programme exploring the links between service delivery in education, health, sanitation and water, and wider processes of state-building and peace-building in fragile and conflict-affected states.

7 April 2011 Report Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

Workshop Report: Cross-sectoral Approaches to Mitigating Conflict Using the Case of South Sudan

This brief report presents key points resulting from a half-day Workshop on Cross-sectoral Approaches to Mitigating Conflict and Fragility Using the Case of South Sudan, that was held in conjunction with the Working Group on Education and Fragility biannual meeting in Washington, DC on 21 March 2011.

5 April 2011 Manual/Handbook/Guide
Conflict Sensitivity Consortium

An Introduction to Conflict Sensitivity

This chapter explains what is meant by conflict sensitivity, who needs to have it, and when, how to place conflict sensitivity within development, humanitarian assistance and peacebuilding, and current debates within these fields.

5 April 2011 Report American Institutes for Research (AIR), Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), UNESCO International Institute for Education Planning (UNESCO-IIEP), US Agency for International Development (USAID), World Bank

Education and Fragility in Cambodia

The report attempts to consider the impact of education on fragility; this will be accomplished through a review of the drivers and dynamics of fragility in Cambodia and the interaction of education in Cambodia with these drivers and dynamics.

1 April 2011 Policy Document United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)

OCHA and Slow-Onset Emergencies

There is a widespread recognition that the nature of humanitarian emergencies is changing. Although catastrophic, sudden-onset events like tropical storms, earthquakes and tsunamis will continue to happen, and will require rapid and well coordinated humanitarian interventions, many more humanitarian crises emerge over time based on a combination of complex and interrelated circumstances.

31 March 2011 Journal Article United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organziation (UNESCO)

Education and Peacebuilding: from ‘conflict-analysis’ to ‘conflict transformation’?

This essay provides a brief summary of three ways in which we can think about the role of education in conflict-affected societies. In broad terms they represent areas that have gained greater attention over the past decade in international development discourses, although their roots go back to at least the Second World War.

4 March 2011 Case Study Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), UNESCO International Institute for Education Planning (UNESCO-IIEP)

Understanding education’s role in fragility: Synthesis of four situational analyses

INEE and UNESCO-IIEP, commissioned four country case studies, or analyses of situations of education and fragility - in Afghanistan (conducted by IIEP/UNESCO), Bosnia-Herzegovina (conducted by the University of Ulster), Cambodia, and Liberia - with the the intent to provide key data needed to better understand the relationship between education and fragility in a variety of contexts.

1 March 2011 Report United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

Evaluation of UNICEF’s Education in Emergencies and Post-Crisis Transition Programme: Angola Case Study

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Education in Emergencies and Post-Crisis Transition (EEPCT) programme began in 2006 as a five-year, US$201 million-dollar partnership between UNICEF and the Government of the Netherlands, intended to support the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Education For All (EFA) movement.

28 February 2011 Report Global Education Cluster

Education Cluster in Pakistan Lessons Learned: Flood Response

The Global Education Cluster commissioned a comprehensive lessons learned exercise in Pakistan, covering the period from the start of the floods in July until March. This report outlines the main findings from this review and highlights a number of recommendations for the current response in Pakistan as well as future emergency education responses. The key recommendations to come out of this lessons learned exercise are highlighted below.

18 January 2011 Case Study Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), Overseas Development Institute (ODI), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organziation (UNESCO)

INEE A Community of Practice, a Catalyst for Change

This report tells the story of the INEE over its ten year life.This case study aims to document and analyse the substantial changes undergone by the network since its inception in 2000. It provides a historical narrative that documents the evolution of INEE as a network, and explores its changing role over time.

10 January 2011 Report United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

Refugee Education: A Global Review

Based on extensive analysis, this review sets out an agenda for change, aimed at promoting high quality and protective education for refugees, in keeping with education as a durable solution and as a core element of UNHCR’s mandate.

1 January 2011 Manual/Handbook/Guide United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

Temporary Learning Spaces (TLS): Design and practice in emergencies

This compendium aims to equip field practitioners with a selection of documented TLSs that have been implemented in past emergencies to capitalise and pass on the knowledge that has been gained from past emergency responses. The compendium reviews and provides practical insides on how to implement TLSs that are most appropriate for various types of emergency situations.

1 January 2011 Case Study American Institutes for Research (AIR), Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), UNESCO International Institute for Education Planning (UNESCO-IIEP), US Agency for International Development (USAID)

Education and Fragility in Liberia

The purpose of the present report is to examine the impact of education on fragility in Liberia through a review of the drivers and dynamics of fragility, and the interaction of education with these drivers and dynamics. While primarily a desk study based on a review of secondary sources, this report also relies on information collected during a field visit to the country in September 2009.

1 January 2011 Report World Bank, World Health Organization (WHO)

World Report on Disability

The World Health Organization and the World Bank Group have jointly produced this World Report on Disability to provide the evidence for progressive policies and programmes that can improve the lives of people with disabilities, and facilitate implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which came into force in May 2008.

1 January 2011 Manual/Handbook/Guide
Save the Children, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Provincial Directorate for Education in Cuanza Sul, Education for Development IBIS Angola

ALP Booklet of Best Practices

Taking into account the commitment of governments and civil society organisations at global level to support education programmes that aim at promoting the MDGs, the Provincial Directorate for Education of Cuanza Sul in partnership with IBIS, Save the Children and UNICEF began in 2008 to implement the Literacy and Accelerated Learning Programme (ALP).

1 January 2011 Manual/Handbook/Guide
Global Education Cluster, Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC)
Global Protection Cluster

Guidelines for Child Friendly Spaces in Emergencies

The purpose of these principles is to give practical guidance to the field teams that establish CFSs in different types of emergencies and contexts.

1 January 2011 Manual/Handbook/Guide UNESCO International Institute for Education Planning (UNESCO-IIEP)

Planning for technical and vocational skills and development

The booklets in this series are written primarily for two types of clientele: those engaged in educational planning and administration, in developing as well as developed countries; and others, less specialized, such as senior government officials and policy-makers who seek a more general understanding of educational planning and of how it is related to overall national development.