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2868 results found


1 May 2022 Training Material
Association of Volunteers in International Service (AVSI), Oxfam
Luigi Guissani Institute for Higher Education, Columbia Global Centre, FAWEU, UNATU

Training Material for Primary School Teachers in Crisis Context, Uganda

The Teacher Professional Development (TPD) package has been developed to provide support for teachers recruited to teach in refugee settlements and other emergency related education situations in Uganda.

1 May 2022 Training Material United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

Education in Emergencies Global Online Course

This course is designed to provide UNICEF staff with foundational knowledge and skills relating to education in emergencies.  The course was originally designed by ESARO, the content has been utilized and updated from existing content from EiE capacity development training (such as for Frontline Responders, INEE Minimum Standards, Risk-Informed Programming, and others) in a comprehensive manner.

1 May 2022 Framework Education Cannot Wait (ECW)

Education Cannot Wait Policy and Accountability Framework on Disability Inclusion

The framework provides a blueprint to ensure that the ECW Secretariat realizes disability inclusion, both internally and through its investments and partnerships. Additionally it seeks to guide the systematization of ECW’s work on Disability Inclusion to ensure that the Fund can reach 10% of children with disabilities across its investment portfolio.

1 May 2022 Policy Brief United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

Increasing Women's Representation in School Leadership

This evidence brief compiles emerging insights on the association between women school leaders and education outcomes. It also seeks to draw attention to the low representation of women in school leadership roles and the barriers that hinder women's access to these positions.

1 May 2022 INEE Webinar Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), Secondary Education Working Group (SEWG)

Secondary Education in Emergencies: Emerging Trends and New Resources

This webinar looked at current trends on Secondary Education and launched a dedicated page on the INEE website that will collate relevant resources on this topic; created with the support of the Secondary Education Working Group. A particular focus of the webinar was the main findings of the “Evidence on Learning Outcomes for Adolescents in Fragile Contexts: A Landscape Analysis”.

1 May 2022 Journal Article

Mental Health and Psychosocial Wellbeing in Education: The Case to Integrate Core Actions and Interventions into Learning Environments

This study explores effective mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) programming integrated within education in emergencies (EiE). Core actions developed through a participatory consultation with multisectoral actors are outlined to address the common challenges and barriers associated with MHPSS programming in emergency education.

25 April 2022 Policy Document Secondary Education Working Group (SEWG)

Evidence on Learning Outcomes for Adolescents in Fragile Contexts: A Landscape Analysis

This review provides an overview of the evidence base on learning outcomes for adolescents in contexts of fragility, crisis and emergencies – with a focus on adolescent girls and adolescents with disabilities (AwD). While the evidence base at the secondary level is relatively small, effective interventions echo best practices and lessons from the broader education literature.

25 April 2022 Policy Brief
University of Dar es Salaam

Towards developing competence profile of Early Childhood Education educators in rural Tanzania in Chemba and Mpwapwa districts

This Policy Brief details how Education International and the Tanzania Teacher Union managed to train pre-primary education teachers in Tanzania to a Diploma academic qualification without a study leave through the project “Developing Educators, Improving Early Learning in Rural Tanzania”.

18 April 2022 INEE Webinar Accelerated Education Working Group (AEWG), Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

Accelerated Education: Lessons Learned from Sub-Saharan Africa

This webinar focused on findings from a study that the Accelerated Education Working Group conducted in DRC, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda, where multi-year education projects are being funded by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development under its Building Resilience in Conflict through Education initiative.

13 April 2022 INEE Webinar Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)

School Leadership & Governance in Crisis Contexts

INEE's Teachers in Crisis Contexts (TiCC) Collaborative is pleased to share the recording of this webinar during which school leaders and Education in Emergencies actors working across contexts such as Colombia, Kenya, and Tanzania shared their reflections on the challenges and opportunities of school leadership policies and practices in crisis contexts.

12 April 2022 INEE Webinar Journal on Education in Emergencies (JEiE)

Launch of JEiE Volume 8, Number 1

The publication of the latest issue of JEiE comes during an era of compounding crises that have spurred massive displacement and learning loss on a global scale. The authors who contributed to this issue offer actionable, freely available evidence from their work in EiE contexts across five continents to inform more effective educational interventions for vulnerable learners.