INEE partners with leading organizations in the field of education in emergencies (EiE) and post-crisis recovery through joint strategic relationships aimed at promoting coordination, capacity sharing, advocacy, knowledge sharing, evidence building, and standard-setting. INEE partnerships vary from institutional partnerships, formalized through signed agreements, to informal partnerships focused on capacity sharing and knowledge exchange.
Education Cannot Wait (ECW)
INEE has a formal partnership with Education Cannot Wait (ECW) through a Letter of Understanding (LoU). INEE and ECW cooperate on three key areas: 1) provision of technical assistance and technical support, 2) information sharing and communications, and 3) advocacy. INEE is an ex officio member of ECW’s High-Level Steering Group and Executive Committee. INEE participates on ECW’s task teams and provides technical support to ECW on an ad hoc basis.
IASC Global Education Cluster
INEE is a long-standing partner of the IASC Global Education Cluster (GEC) and a member of the GEC Strategic Advisory Committee. INEE and GEC regularly exchange information, including jointly supporting technical requests from country-based practitioners via GEC’s and INEE’s HelpDesks. INEE participates in the Global Education Cluster Partners Forum as well as the GEC Localization Task Team.
Initiative for Strengthening Education in Emergencies Coordination (ISEEC)
The Initiative for Strengthening Education in Emergencies Coordination (ISEEC) is a partnership launched by the Global Education Cluster, UNHCR, and INEE to promote coherent, joined up education sector coordination that improves education outcomes for crisis-affected children and youth through existing organizational platforms. The partners joined together in 2017 through the Education Cannot Wait funded Global Partners Project to strengthen joint education coordination during emergencies by developing global public goods.
Humanitarian Standards Partnership
INEE is a member of the Humanitarian Standards Partnership (HSP), a collaboration between the world’s leading standards setting initiatives, which aims to improve the quality and accountability of humanitarian action through the application of humanitarian standards. Together, INEE and agencies in the HSP improve the quality of assistance provided to people affected by crisis and enhance the accountability of disaster preparedness and response. INEE is a member of the HSP Steering Committee and has contributed to the development of the HSPapp, which provides user-friendly access to global humanitarian standards on mobile devices.
Geneva Global Hub
INEE is a founding member of the Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies, along with the Government of Switzerland, Education Cannot Wait, the Global Education Cluster, the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, and the International Committee of the Red Cross. The initiative developed from a 2019 Global Refugee Forum pledge to leverage the international Geneva community by convening actors for joint action so that all crisis-affected and displaced children and youth have their right to education protected and fulfilled.
The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (Alliance)
INEE & the Alliance support a Joint Initiative that commits both networks to supporting the shared space between the sectors. The broad areas of collaboration are articulated in the joint Global Refugee Forum pledge. The project brings the sectors more closely together, encouraging joint and integrated programming through the development of a Position Paper, policy & advocacy materials, and a field-level Supporting Integrated Programming in Child Protection and Education Programming in Humanitarian Action Guidance Note. INEE is also part of the Alliance Prevention Project Advisory Group to prevent child protection harm. Work is guided by the inputs of a cross-sector, multi-agency Advisory Group.
INEE is a long-standing partner and memof the Global Alliance for Disaster Risk Reduction & Resilience in the Education Sector (GADRRRES), established in 2013. GADRRRES is a multi-stakeholder mechanism composed of UN agencies, international organizations, and global networks. The mission of GADRRRES is to ensure that all schools are safe from disaster risks and all learners live in a culture of safety. GADRRRES has developed and endorses the Comprehensive School Safety Framework 2022-30 and actively promotes the Worldwide Initiative for Safe Schools.
Building Evidence in Education Donor Group (BE2)
INEE is a long-standing full member of the BE2 Donor Group. BE2 is a donor working group, launched in 2012 with the aim to engage bilateral and multilateral organizations and foundations. BE2 aims to strengthen donor research collaboration and coordination, encourage higher standards of commissioned research, and promote availability and access to rigorous evidence. From 2019-2020 INEE co-convened the BE2 Special Interest Group (SIG) on Education in Emergencies along with UNHCR. INEE currently participates in the SIGs on Education in Emergencies, Teacher Professional Development, and Knowledge Systems Strengthening. INEE regularly attends BE2 meetings and shares updates on INEE data and evidence work as well as engages in topical discussions related to evidence for education across the humanitarian and development sectors.
UN Girls’ Education Initiative
INEE is a long-standing partner of UN Girls’ Education Initiative (UNGEI). UNGEI has previously co-chaired INEE’s two gender-focused network spaces, the INEE Gender Working Group and the INEE Girls’ Education in Emergencies Reference Group. INEE and UNGEI regularly collaborate to develop tools and guidance on gender-responsive EiE, including the INEE Guidance Note on Gender and the EiE-GenKit.
UNESCO Teacher Task Force
INEE is an active member of the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 (also known as the Teacher Task Force or TTF). Created in 2008, upon agreement in the Oslo Declaration, the TTF is a unique global independent alliance working solely on teachers and teacher issues. It is dedicated to raising awareness, expanding knowledge and supporting countries on the questions and themes raised in target 4.c of SDG 4. As a member of the Task Force, INEE makes sure that the unique contributions and perspectives of teachers in emergncy situations are recognized and amplified. Similarly, the TTF is a member of the current TiCC Working Group since June 2023.
Global Education Cluster/Child Protection Area of Responsibility
The GEC & CPAoR worked together on a Collaboration in Coordination Framework, for cluster coordinators and to support cluster members in cross sector collaboration around cluster functions. INEE was part of the Advisory Group that guided this work, with the aim of ensuring this work alligned with and complemented the CPHA-EiE initiative. The CP-EiE Collaboration in Coordination Framework was completed in 2020.
Harvard University EASEL Lab
INEE entered into a formal partnership agreement with Harvard University’s EASEL Lab in order to develop a set of framework tools for coherence, coordination and localization in PSS-SEL in EiE settings. The initial 2.5 year project, funded by the Porticus Foundation under their All Eyes of Learning (AEoL) program produced the PSS-SEL Toolbox in 2023. INEE and Harvard University’s EASEL Lab are pursuing continued opportunities to strengthen and support the usage of the PSS-SEL Toolbox going forward
Latin America and Caribbean EiE/DRR Working Group
The Regional Education Group for Latin America and the Caribbean has been established since 2011 within the framework of REDLAC to support the Ministries of Education and coordination mechanisms for responding to emergencies in the education sector (including disaster risk management, migration and COVID-19), and supports its actions on the basis of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Reduction (SFDRR), the Worldwide Initiative for Safe Schools (WISS) and the Global Education Cluster (GEC), in order to guarantee the right to education for all children, adolescents and young people in the region. INEE has been part of this Group since its establishment, supporting members’ EiE initiatives and receiving support to translate INEE resources into Spanish, roll out INEE initiatives in Spanish speaking countries. The Group is co-led by UNICEF and Save the Children and is made up of UNHCR, AECID, NRC, EDC, Convenio Andrés Bello, ECHO, IFRC, INEE, IsraAid, OCHA, IOM, UN WOMEN, UNAIDS, PLAN International, RET Americas, UNDRR, UNESCO and WORLD VISION.
Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF)
INEE and FIHF have been joining efforts to leverage INEE Minimum Standards in Brazil and Latin America and to build the capacity of education professionals and MS framework in Portuguese since September 2020. INEE Country Focal for Brazil is hosted by FIHF.
Coalition Education
Coalition Education (CE) gathers 22 French civil organizations that work together for the right to education through their advocacy efforts and to encourage governments to mobilize funds and better support education with a focus in the global south countries., INEE and the Coalition Education support each other through joint participation in webinars, EiE consultations, other events.along with providing each other technical support and outreach between respective members. CE has helped INEE’s French LanguageCommunity gain visibility in the French EiE sphere by inviting the INEE Secretariat to present INEE and by enabling in-person INEE meet-ups in their offices.
Education Cluster Burkina Faso
The Education Cluster Burkina Faso and INEE’s French Language Community work together on outreach to members and have reinforced their communication and relationship over the past 2 years. INEE’s Secretariat are in regular contact with the Education Cluster in Burkina Faso about EiE news in the region, information sharing is ongoing. The Education Cluster in Burkina Faso has been essential in the process of organizing online live events for the French Language Community by identifying potential speakers and/or sharing information on the events to participants since the Spring of 2020.
Global Education Cluster Regional EiE Working Group for West and Central Africa
GEC (francophone colleagues) and INEE’s FLC are in regular contact about EiE news, they have been essential in the process of organizing online live events for the FLC by identifying potential speakers and/or sharing information on the events to participants since Spring 2020. We are now looking at reinforcing coordination around future capacity building events. There is no formal partnership agreement.
The list is non-exhaustive and INEE is open to exploring new partnerships to advance its mission in line with its priorities and functions.
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If you wish to learn more about INEE Members visit this page.