Actualités Coronavirus : la France aidera-t-elle vraiment à faire redémarrer les écoles du Sud ? Tribune. Le risque que l’interruption temporaire de l’apprentissage devienne permanente met en péril l’avenir d‘une génération. Les fermetures d’écoles privent de nombreux enfants et jeunes de l’accès à des services essentiels et ont des impacts psychosociaux importants.
Blog Rapport Aide française à l'éducation : des avancées en demi-teinte Sortie du nouveau rapport de la Coalition Education Aide française à l'éducation : des avancées en demi-teinte
Actualités Global Partnership for Education announces US$250 million for developing countries battling COVID-19 The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) will provide US$250 million to help developing countries mitigate both the immediate and long-term disruptions to education being caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ressource The Emerging Role of Corporate Actors as Policymakers in Education in Emergencies: Evidence from the Syria Refugee Crisis Authors Zeena Zakharia and Francine Menashy suggest that a surge in corporate support of refugee education has increased the private authority of corporate actors in education in emergencies policy spaces.
Ressource COVID-19 and Education in Emergencies While other critical needs such as health, water and sanitation are being responded to, educational needs cannot be forgotten and these have an equally detrimental impact if left unaddressed. The ‘pile-on effect’ of the coronavirus is that, during the global COVID-19 pandemic, interruptions to education can have long term implications -- especially for the most vulnerable.
Ressource Supporting the Youngest Refugees and Their Families Early life experiences shape the architecture of the brain and lay the foundation for later development. The very youngest refugees† face compounding risks that threaten their long-term development and wellbeing. Still, the multi-dimensional needs of displaced infants, toddlers and those who care for them remain overlooked and underfunded.
Ressource Walk the Talk? Review of Financing for Education in Emergencies, 2015-2018 This report examines whether donor policies and humanitarian funding are keeping up with increased demand for education in emergencies, and whether there has been any progress towards addressing the recommendations in the first Walk the Talk-report.
Blog Highlight: New INEE-Global Affairs Canada Partnership In light of the recent launch of the Charlevoix Declaration on Quality Education for Girls, Adolescent Girls and Women in Developing Countries, we are pleased to announce a new partnership between INEE and Global Affairs Canada.
Actualités World Leaders Pledge a Record US$216 Million to Education Cannot Wait During United Nations General Assembly The global fund for education in emergencies surpasses half-a-billion dollar milestone in resources mobilized to reach children and youth left furthest behind in crises.