Highlight: New INEE-Global Affairs Canada Partnership

Education Financing

In light of the recent launch of the Charlevoix Declaration on Quality Education for Girls, Adolescent Girls and Women in Developing Countries, we are pleased to announce a new partnership between INEE and Global Affairs Canada. 

Canada imageIn line with the INEE Strategic Framework 2018-2023, support from Global Affairs Canada will enable INEE to develop the evidence base for women’s and girls’ education in emergencies, and support advocacy and accountability mechanisms for gender-responsive education initiatives for women and girls in crisis and conflict contexts. In addition, a new INEE Reference Group on Girls’ Education in Emergencies will track, report on, advocate for and amplify commitments to the Charlevoix Declaration and women’s and girls’ right to education in emergencies. 

INEE is grateful for this important partnership and looks forward to sharing further information as these initiatives come to life.