Blog Announcing JEiE Special Issue on Education and the War on Drugs We are pleased to announce the publication of Journal on Education in Emergencies Volume 6, Number 1 – Special Issue on Education and the War on Drugs! It examines how education is not only a space that has suffered extensive collateral damage from the war on drugs, but also how education policies and practices perpetuate and sustain this long-running, transnational, and multifaceted war.
Blog Annonce du numéro spécial du JEiE sur l'éducation et la guerre contre les drogues Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la publication du Journal on Education in Emergencies Volume 6, Numéro 1 – Numéro Spécial sur l'éducation et la guerre contre les drogues !
Blog Apresentação da Edição Especial sobre Educação e Guerra contra as Drogas da JEiE Esta edição inovadora examina como a educação não é apenas um espaço que tem sofrido consideráveis danos colaterais da guerra contra as drogas, mas também como as políticas e práticas educativas perpetuam e mantêm esta guerra de longa duração, transnacional e multifacetada.
Ressource Book Review: Peace Education: International Perspectives edited by Monisha Bajaj and Maria Hantzopoulos In this review of Peace Education: International Perspectives, edited by Monisha Bajaj and Maria Hantzopoulos, Samira N. Chatila provides an overview of the importance of peace education in supporting peacebuilding in emergencies and defines the link between peace education and violence.
Evènement Unpacking Radicalization Course 2020 This course looks into the concept of radicalization as well as other notions such as de-radicalization, extremist violence, PVE and CVE in relation to peacebuilding practice and discusses them through different case studies from the Global North and South. This course is designed for professionals who would like to improve their understanding of radicalization discourses and for practitioners and academics interested in complementing their own experiences with current conceptual insights and practical knowledge.
Ressource The Rise of Resilience in Education in Emergencies This article explores how resilience as a concept is being increasingly mobilised within the Education in Emergencies (EiE) community. Using content and a close textual analysis, it identifies the concept's growth in prominence within key EiE documents arguing it has been employed to serve a range of different purposes.
Evènement Gender, Conflict & Peacebuilding Course War and conflict affect women, girls, men and boys in different ways, and yet a gender analysis is often absent from peacebuilding theories and processes. This course challenges participants to think critically about gender and its relevance to the development of lasting and sustainable peace.
Blog التعلم من أجل السلام From 2012-2016, UNICEF and the Government of the Netherlands undertook a multi-year partnership entitled Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Programme (PBEA), also known as “Learning for Peace”. The objective of this program was to test how education can be leveraged to contribute to the mitigation of drivers of conflict in fragile and post-conflict countries.
Blog Learning for Peace From 2012-2016, UNICEF and the Government of the Netherlands undertook a multi-year partnership entitled Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Programme (PBEA), also known as “Learning for Peace”. The objective of this program was to test how education can be leveraged to contribute to the mitigation of drivers of conflict in fragile and post-conflict countries.
Blog Aprendizaje para la Paz Entre 2012-2016, UNICEF y el Gobierno de los Países Bajos llevaron a cabo una asociación, de varios años, titulada Programa de Consolidación de la Paz, Educación y Abogacía (PBEA), también conocido como "Aprendizaje para la Paz". El objetivo de este programa era probar cómo la educación puede potenciarse para contribuir a mitigar los impulsores del conflicto en países frágiles o después de un conflicto.