Announcing JEiE Special Issue on Education and the War on Drugs

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We are pleased to announce the publication of Journal on Education in Emergencies Volume 6, Number 1 – Special Issue on Education and the War on Drugs!

JEiE coverChildren and youth are particularly vulnerable to the failed policies of the war on drugs. They face drug-related violence and armed confrontations between the state and drug-trafficking organizations in their communities, zero-tolerance drug policies, and punitive discipline in school. These policies contribute to cascading education crises that are not often recognized as connected: attacks on schools and educators, educational exclusion of marginalized communities, absenteeism, the school-to-prison pipeline, and diminished education quality, among others.

This groundbreaking issue examines how education is not only a space that has suffered extensive collateral damage from the war on drugs, but also how education policies and practices perpetuate and sustain this long-running, transnational, and multifaceted war. 

JEiE Volume 6, Number 1 includes five research articles, one field note, and two book reviews. These articles examine the influence of the war on drugs on the continuum of drug manufacture, distribution, commerce, and consumption as experienced by students, families, educators, school officials, and policymakers. They provide insight into the additional considerations required when studying the illicit and carrying out research in insecure settings, and highlight the need for inclusive points of view that reveal the unseen effects of crises.

We are grateful to our guest lead editors, Maria Jose Bermeo and Diana Rodríguez-Gómez, for the exceptional effort and expertise they bring to this special issue. The full JEiE Volume 6, Number 1, as well as previous issues of JEiE and all individual articles, can be downloaded for free from the INEE website:

The abstract and title of each article are available in Arabic, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. JEiE will launch a Spanish-language version of this issue later this year. For more information about JEiE, visit the INEE website.


Journal on Education in Emergencies, Volume 6, Number 1
Special Issue on Education and the War on Drugs

Maria Jose Bermeo and Diana Rodríguez-Gómez

The Educational Nexus to the War on Drugs: A Systematic Review
Diana Rodríguez-Gómez and Maria Jose Bermeo

When Emergency Becomes Everyday Life: Revisiting a Central EiE Concept in the Context of the War on Drugs
Roozbeh Shirazi

The Effects of Aerial Spraying of Coca Crops on Child Labor, School Attendance, and Educational Lag in Colombia, 2008-2012
Claudia Rodriguez

“Pedagogy of Conversion” in the Urban Margins: Pacification, Education, and the Struggle for Control in a Rio de Janeiro Favela
Sara Koenders
“If you don’t have an education, you are no one”: Understanding the School Experiences of Youth Involved in Drug-Related Crime in Ciudad Juárez and Medellín
Cirenia Chavez Villegas and Elena Butti

Catalyst: Expanding Harm-Reduction Education and Youth Participation in the Context of the War on Drugs
Theo Di Castri

The School-to-Prison Pipeline: Education, Discipline, and Racialized Double Standards by Nancy A. Heitzeg
Jennifer Otting

Political Socialization of Youth: A Palestinian Case Study by Janette Habashi
Jo Kelcey