Blog How can we promote resilience in youth during and after conflict? Lessons from Mindanao This blog by Nalini Chugani of Education Development Center discusses the Mindanao Youth for Development (MYDev) program and how it worked to strengthen youth and their communities’ capacity to deal with violence and conflict.
Ressource Crisis-Sensitive Educational Planning for Refugees and Host Communities: Lessons from Ethiopia This report focuses on the activities in Component 1 to distil lessons learned on jointly planning education across host and refugee contexts
Blog CSE Training in Goma DRCongo: Edmond’s Impressions and Experience Impression, Experience and lessons learnt about Conflict Sensitive Education Trainings, highlighting reflections on a set of trainings delivered in 2019 as part of a joint project called “Never too late to learn”.
Blog Formations ESC à Goma en RDC: l'expérience et les impressions d'Edmond Impression, expérience et leçons apprises des formations sur l'éducation sensible aux conflits, mettant en lumière les réflexions sur un ensemble de formations dispensées en 2019 dans le cadre d'un projet conjoint de NRC et INEE intitulé "Never too late to learn" (« Il n’est jamais trop tard pour apprendre »), financé par l'Union Européenne (DG-INTPA).
Ressource Marginalization, civil war, and a lack of education aid: A case study of Sudan's Nuba Mountains The Nuba Mountains region of Sudan exemplifies a critical gap in education aid for marginalized communities affected by civil war. This case study presents an overview of the conflict in the Nuba Mountains, the gap in international aid coverage, and the education needs.
Ressource Education as the weapon for the future: A qualitative study of education needs in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan The people of the Nuba Mountains in Sudan have been under conflict for decades. This conflict has left the people of Nuba lacking many resources, including education support. Due to the nature of the conflict, access to the region is challenging. Still, the education organization, To Move Mountains, was able to conduct qualitative research with two communities within the conflict zone.
Blog Conflict Sensitive Education Training in Kibondo, Tanzania: Wia Mae’s reflections on CSE and EiE Wia-Mae Koha Mmari shares her thoughts on the CSE training and opportunities for training on education in emergencies.
Blog CSE Training in Kibondo, Tanzania: Wia-Mae’s learning journey Wia-Mae Koha Mmari shares her experience as a participant in a training of trainers workshop on conflict sensitive education, and the transition to facilitating the training on her own.
Blog Blog Series: Conflict Sensitive Education Trainers Learning Journeys Blog series on a set of conflict sensitive education trainings that were delivered as part of a 4-year project called “Never too late to learn” in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Tanzania. The project led by NRC and funded by the European Union (DG-INTPA) aims to contribute to improved access to quality and protective basic education for displacement-affected children.
Blog Séries de Blog : Parcours d'Apprentissages des Formateurs en Education Sensible aux Conflits Série de blogs sur un ensemble de formations sur l'éducation sensible aux conflits qui ont été dispensées dans le cadre d'un projet de 4 ans intitulé "Il n'est jamais trop tard pour apprendre" en République démocratique du Congo (RDC) et en Tanzanie.